
Automating Active Directory Jobs with PowerShell Scripts

By downloading a PowerShell module, you can manage every facet of Active Directory and build powerful scripts to save time on all kinds of tasks.

PowerShell 7 Preview 3 Released

The PowerShell 7 Preview 3 scripting solution is now available, Microsoft announced this week.

How To Compare a CSV File with Active Directory Users

Using PowerShell, Adam shows you one way to compare a .CSV file full of employee accounts with Active Directory users.

Building Infrastructure Tests with Pester, the PowerShell Testing Framework

Pester infrastructure tests can run as standalone tests or be integrated into a broader automation workflow. But first, what's an "infrastructure test" anyway?

Using PowerShell for Parametrized Azure Resource Manager Templates

IT pros have many ways to deploy resources to Microsoft Azure, but when it comes to deploying many resources at once, ARM templates are the way to go.

How To Modify Azure ARM Templates with PowerShell

PowerShell is often used to deploy Microsoft Azure ARM templates, but you can also create a script to easily build and modify existing templates. Here's how.

PowerShell 7 Preview Released

PowerShell 7, Microsoft's latest scripting solution for IT pros and developers, has hit its "first preview" milestone, Microsoft announced this week.

Converting Text to Speech with Azure Cognitive Services and PowerShell

Thanks to the AI features in Microsoft's cloud, text-to-speech technology can render more realistic results than ever.

Managing Azure Cognitive Service Accounts with PowerShell

Here's how to start taking advantage of Microsoft's suite of artificial intelligence APIs.

Understanding PowerShell Scriptblocks

Scriptblocks are a ubiquitous part of PowerShell and are a construct that every PowerShell developer should understand.

Microsoft Debuts Open Source Windows Terminal, Linux Kernels for Windows

Microsoft made some key open source-related announcements at its Build conference this week, including the debut of Windows Terminal, an open source command-line console for Windows 10 that consolidates multiple tools.

How To Monitor a Windows Folder for New Files

Events happen regularly on a typical Windows computer. It's important for administrators to keep tabs on these events, especially if they affect sensitive information or mission-critical processes.

Microsoft Releases PowerShell Module for Teams

The Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module reached the "general availability" stage this week, enabling IT pros to create and delete teams, and other such operations.

How To Create a Simple Pester Test Report in HTML

You can force Pester to return output in XML rather than via the console. Here's how.

Windows Zero-Day Flaw Exploits PowerShell

A newly reported zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2019-0859) discovered by Kaspersky Lab this week uses PowerShell to attack Windows systems.

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