PowerShell How-To

Exploring Dot-Sourcing in PowerShell

Dot-sourcing allows for you to keep your functions modular.

Using PowerShell's Calculated Properties

This guide will walk you through changing property names and values for the Select-Object cmdlet.

How To Build a PowerShell Active Directory Sync Tool

If employees have unique identifiers, getting a tool up and running to sink with AD is a cinch.

Working with Recursive Functions in PowerShell

Recursive functions are designed perfectly to manage what could be a hierarchical mess in Active Directory.

How To Create a Simple Pester Test Report in PowerShell

While Pester doesn't generate it's own reports, it does provide data that can be easily formatted.

How To Use the PowerShell Operational Validation Framework

The tool simplifies and keeps you organized when testing.

Best Practices for Designing PowerShell Functions

While not everyone will code the same, here are some of my go-to tips for creating functions.

How To Configure PowerShell's Local Configuration Manager

With multiple ways to accomplish the task, here's how to know the right route to take based on the situation.

How To Implement Dynamic Parameters in Your PowerShell Functions

Choosing the correct input for your functions will save time and energy in the long run.

How To Create PowerShell DSC Class-Based Resources

The latest version of PowerShell allows the resources to be built without crating schema MOF files.

How To Use PowerShell To Write to the Event Log

Keeping close tabs on your script will help to identify potential future errors.

Go Back To School with PowerShell Classes

Classes extends the usefulness of PowerShell for both admins and devs.

Understanding the Try/Catch Block in PowerShell

Try and catch blocks are designed to catch errors in your code, no matter the situation.

Creating Your First Repository on GitHub

GitHub provides you an easy way to store and test your useful code.

How To Upload a Module to the PowerShell Gallery

Got a module that you're especially proud of? Share it with others.

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