Security Watch

Patch Tuesday Analyzed

The latest Microsoft vulnerabilities discovered affect a variety of things from IE and Remote Desktop to Plug and Play and Print Spooler.

Many Banks Reduce ATM Security

A customer convenience is making it easier for criminals to forge ATM cards.

Anti-Virus Protection for Routers?

The recent Cisco IOS vulnerability controversy highlights the attractiveness of routers for hackers.

Russ Weighs in on Mike Lynn

Lynn's disclosure of the Cisco IOS vulnerability targets the technical, but what's really at issue is bad practices.

Dreading Patch Tuesday

IT staff are getting overwelmed as companies co-opt Microsoft's day for releasing patches.

Bad Java

While only Russian-language Web sites have been exploited by the Java vulnerability, it'll only be a matter of time.

Point-Counterpoint: ISP Responsibility

Russ and a reader argue about the legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on Grokster and file sharing.

Out of Lepht Phield

Russ has phun with tech phonics.

Survey Says Attacks are Down

But hackers may be relying more on inside men to get the job done.

Grokster Loses; ISPs Next?

The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling against Grokster could shift responsiblity for illegal file sharing to ISPs.

Next Phishing Attack Spreads its Net

Annoyed by popups? Just wail 'til you see this one.

Parsing Microsoft's June Patches

Follow along as Russ gives a brief walkthrough through last month's Security Bulletins to patch possible vulnerabilities.

The World's Biggest Bullseye

A talk with the man responsible for securing Microsoft's internal network.

Bank of America Takes on Phishers

To fight identity theft, the bank tries a two-factor authentication process which trades convenience for security.

(In)Secure Shell?

A worm can find its way into the previously secure SSH app to create a cascade of failures.

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