
On Demand

5-min demo: Data Security

Veeam Availability Suite 5-min Demo on Data Security. In mid-2018, the average ransomware payment was $41,198. By late-2019, that price more than doubled to $84,166. With modernized data protection, however, 96% of organizations cut their average ransomware recovery cost down to $5,000, with 76% of companies not paying anything at all. How? This demo shows how to protect your data with immutability from Veeam®.

5-min demo: Hybrid Cloud Acceleration

Veeam Availability Suite 5-min Demo on Hybrid Cloud Acceleration. The adoption of modern backup systems is driving rapid cloud adoption through the unification of tools — ensuring over 49% savings in hybrid cloud protection. This demo shows how to use native backup and recovery services straight from the cloud, reducing time, cost and resources.

5-min demo: Modernizing Backup

Veeam Availability Suite 5-min Demo on Backup Modernization. Through Cloud Data Management™, organizations are achieving substantial results, including 50% lower cost of data protection and backup, and higher productivity across development, backup and recovery teams. This demo shows how to re-use your backup data to drive rapid application development through virtual sandboxes.

Unleash the Power of NAS Backup

With the NEW Veeam® Backup & Replication™ v10, we bring the most powerful, reliable and easy-to-use file-level backup capabilities aimed at protecting your file shares.

Veeam Availability Suite v10 - Backup and Recovery capabilities you didn't know about

Your business is likely protecting data from and in any environment, including cloud, virtual and physical — but are you using the key capabilities needed to achieve your recovery and business agility goals? What about unstructured NAS data that is rapidly growing unchecked? When moving data off site — are your copies protected from things like ransomware?

Best Practices in Planning On-Prem and Cloud Backup

In this engaging, interactive webinar, we’ll look at the trends, issues and challenges of protecting a hybrid data center and provide best practices for what you can do to address them today. You’ll learn how to simplify your data protection strategy in the cloud and in the data center without compromise, all while removing complexity and cost.

Maximizing Your Hybrid Cloud Investment

The cloud has evolved from being a thorn in the side to IT to becoming a clear enabler of business. This on-demand webcast explores how IT professionals feel about using the cloud, both public and private. Don’t miss this opportunity for valuable, insightful data about cloud use from a broad spectrum of over 300 IT pros ― so you can see how your organization's use of cloud compares.

Protecting Microsoft Office 365 with NetVault

If you think your Office 365 data is automatically protected, think again. Sure, Microsoft may host the infrastructure, but it doesn’t offer the levels of data protection needed to satisfy your demanding data protection, disaster recovery and compliance goals. Watch this on-demand demo to see how NetVault delivers comprehensive Office 365 data protection.

Cloud Management Made Easy: Best Practices for Your Data-Driven Business

Adoption of the cloud continues to grow, yet despite its enormous advantages, the cloud also creates new challenges and pain points. For example, the more you explore and embrace different cloud services, the more costs increase. In addition, it becomes more difficult to keep track of workloads and services. And as you seek to modernize your applications via cloud-based containers, new management complexities arise.

Why Managing Containers Changes the Game for Cloud Applications

In this webcast, Peter Varhol of Technology Strategy Research, and Quest Foglight product designer Mike Condy, explore why teams are increasingly using containers, and what effect these decisions have on their operational strategies. They examine the uptake of containers as a development and deployment environment in the cloud, and how containers using Dockers and Kubernetes change application architectures for new applications.

Leave Nothing Behind: Cloud Migration Done Right

If you’re thinking about migrating workloads to AWS or Azure, do you know exactly what you’ll migrate, what you’ll leave on premises and what it’ll cost, now and in the future? Get full visibility into your cloud migrations and how migrations will affect your environment by listening Microsoft MVP Tim Warner, and Quest Software.

Best Practices in Office 365 Data Protection

Attend this webinar and learn about the gaps left by Microsoft’s Office 365 protection, the risks posed and how to overcome them all with a comprehensive 3rd-party data protection solution. Learn how to get the Office 365 backup and recovery strategy you need and want.

Making Veeam Backup & Replication Better

Join Greg Schulz, IT expert and founder of StorageIO, and Adrian Moir, Senior Consultant at Quest Data Protection, for an insightful and dynamic conversation about your evolving storage and backup requirements.

Fill the Gaps in Your Office 365 Data Protection

Microsoft Office 365 versioning, archiving and replication fall short from being able to deliver the data protection and recovery needs you require to meet both business SLAs and compliance requirements. Learn more.

Active Directory: Best Practices for Administration and Backup

Microsoft Active Directory is the basis for every Microsoft‑oriented networking environment. However, it’s not always a solid basis. With thousands of network environments under their belts, Sander Berkouwer (Microsoft MVP) and Veeam’s® Andrey Zhelezko know their Active Directory. Watch this webinar to benefit from their best practices.

3 Ultimate Strategies for Ransomware Prevention

Ransomware is here to stay. As much as no one likes to hear that, we have to admit that it’s no longer a question of ‘if’ but rather ‘when’ and ‘to what’ extent your business might be affected. Rather than hope it won’t get you, let’s explore all the options that exist to prevent, locate, disarm and mitigate ransomware risks. We’ll go over some essential strategies you can implement today and also review what a comprehensive backup software can offer you.

Managing Multi-Cloud: Pros and Cons of Using One, Two or Three Public Clouds in Your Hybrid Environment

Every public cloud giant would have you standardize your public cloud usage on their platform. But that's not always possible or even preferable. Get actionable best practices for managing multiple public clouds in this can't-miss session. Find out what the individual public cloud vendors won't tell you! Read on.

Managing a Hybrid Cloud Environment: Key Technologies and Tactics to Corral Your Complex Cloud Environment

The hybrid cloud is the reality for many organizations as they balance legacy applications, modern applications with high performance requirements, various public cloud services and cloud backup solutions. Attend this session to learn about key technologies and smart tactics to keep all those disparate applications and all that widespread data under control. Register now.

Public vs. Private vs. Hybrid: What Cloud to Use When and Why (or Why Not)

In this detail-rich session, our cloud architecture expert lays out some of the basic considerations and other concerns that organizations must account for in order to make the right decision about putting data and applications in the public cloud, in a private cloud or in a hybrid cloud. Learn more.

Duration: 1 hour

Enterprise Hybrid Cloud Virtual Summit

Join us for this free three-hour virtual event to introduce you to the state of the art and best practices for making the most of a hybrid cloud infrastructure. Key takeaways will include strategies and tactics for addressing top management issues and a framework for understanding the pros and cons of various configuration options. Learn more!

Duration: 3 hours