
The Nth Degree

One IT pro's dilemma that may sound all too familiar: certification or degree.

Talking Scripts

Give your scripts the power of speech.

Training at Your Fingertips

Put a face to your training technology and save resources.

Expand Your Horizons

Try this scriptless approach to getting information on group memberships.

Bot Herders Taking to Fast Flux DNS

Internet domain registrars need to step up and help customers, not bot herders. Plus: rootkits grow up, and the GAO analyzes result of data breaches.

DDon’t You Love ISOs?

(No, that's not a typo....)

Works Great, Less Filling

ADUC has lots of info, but sometimes more than you need. The Net User command can be quicker and just right.

Switch to "Plan B"

Make quick work of resetting local administrator passwords on all computers in a single OU or across a domain.

Vendor-Issued ActiveX Means BOV for Users

HP guilty this time, and so is AMX NetLinx. At least HP's buffer overflow flaws come with fixes.

Log Me In for Nothing

Remote control administration is easy with LogMeIn tools.

Do More with More

Where a batch file might seem just a bit over the top, try this nifty trick with the More command.

Continuous Team Builds

Microsoft is taking on Continuous Integration -- should you?

Symantec Talks Loudly On Speech Flaw

Plus: Spaniard nabbed for hacking cell phones; NASA hacker in court.

FileMon/RegMon Mashup

Microsoft's Process Monitor is the new, improved version for troubleshooting application processes.

Threats vs. Vulnerabilities: Addressing the Aftermath

Also: RealPlayer, HelixPlayer flaws show hackers casting wider OS net; open-source imaging software gets fix.

Console Says...

PowerShell version of a CMD trick for getting server names in a text file.

ANSI About Your Command Prompt?

A new-generation command prompt for those who remember the good ol' days of ANSI.

Kill the Shutdown Event Tracker

How to get less annoyed at Shutdown in Windows 2003; plus, disabling write caching in XP.

This Firefox Flaw Bytes

Plus: MPACK goes wild; Trojans on YouTube; 419 scammers busted in Holland; insecure SSL v2.

Where's HyperTerminal?

Vista no longer includes it as a native tool, so you'll have to go back to the original source if you're inclined to still use it for admin work.

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