IT Administration

Storage Quota Management

Users can chew up disk space in seconds. Quota Server can deal with these space hungry people.

Your Brief Guide to Scripting Tools: Visual KiXtart Editor 3.0

Editors exist for all kinds of scripting needs—some free, some cheap, and some not-so-cheap. Use this guide to help you find the right product for your work.

More Protection Than You Want

CheckIt Firewall locks down your computer so well that no traffic flows in or out!

EFS: Handle with Care

The Encrypting File System, while serving a need, can also cause big headaches—especially with the XP implementation. Here’s how to do it right.

ActiveManage Extends the Sysadmin's Reach

Keep your network running from anywhere.

Your Brief Guide to Scripting Tools: Primalscript

Editors exist for all kinds of scripting needs—some free, some cheap, and some not-so-cheap. Use this guide to help you find the right product for your work.

Infrastructure Blues

Why's the network running so slow? Where's the bottleneck? Is it hardware, software or a user? You can find answers quickly if you know your network's infrastructure.

Certified Mail: March 2002

The value of bootcamps; what MCPs wear; Microsoft's certification retirement policy.

Are You a Winner in Our MCSA Contest?

In a newsletter from Jan. 31, I announced a contest seeking early adopters of Microsoft's Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator title.

An Olympian IT Challenge

MCSE Scott Seppich expects long work days in February, having joined the SchlumbergerSema staff integrating the IT infrastructure for the Olympics.

What, You Got a Problem?! Call for Questions....

MCP Magazine's writers and editors turn their attention to solving your problems -- technical and professional.

Review: AQTest

Software testing made easy and inexpensive.

Total Access Statistics

Crunch numbers like a statistics expert.

Review: Data On The Run

Need Pocket Access? Here's an interim solution.

Review: TextPipe Pro

A snazzy tool for making wholesale textual changes to a group of files.

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