IT Administration

Serving Up the Enterprise

Microsoft’s been releasing new server products at a dizzying rate for the past year. Confused by all the choices? Let us add some clarity to your search.

How Much is Too Much?

WCAT can answer that question.

Almost a Third of Windows 2000 Shops Not Using AD

Out of 1,139 votes, 61 percent of respondents who had migrated to Win2K had moved to Active Directory.

Securing Remote Management with WMI

Writing scripts for remote computer management can save man-hours and shoe leather. But like any part of Windows, it has to be properly secured, or you risk opening up your network to the bad guys.

Web Site Change Management

Keeping track of changes to Web sites can be of a great importance, a good reason to put SiteRecorder to work for you.

Application Center 2000: Super Glue

Application Center 2000 isn’t the best known of Microsoft’s .NET servers, but if you run a Web or server farm, it can be indispensable.

.WSF: The Final Frontier

After this last lesson—which looks at the flexibility of Runtime tags—you’ll be ready to bravely face bold, new scripts.

Build Remote Access in a Day

Good case studies, technical errors might mean you'll need an extra day.

BizTalk Server: Putting B2B to Work

BizTalk Server 2000 gets closer to B2B application integration.

Commerce Server: Worth a Look

Once you get past the onerous installation requirements, Commerce Server 2000 can help make you a player in the e-business game.

Foil those Hackers!

A valuable reference with a bit too much filler.

Family Inheritance

Knowing how NTFS passes down file access attributes would have helped one systems administrator avoid exile to the basement. It could do the same for you.

Lanovation Cooks Up Tasty Installs

Prism Deploy can fill the gaps in your deployment solution.

What's in Your IIS logs?

WebTrends can deliver information that you didn't even know you were collecting.

Drive Protection Without Backups

System Guardian provides real-time data security.

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