IT Administration

Using PowerShell To Copy Active Directory Users

It's not always the best idea to create Active Directory users from scratch. Your company likely has a standard "template" of attributes that are set for every domain user. So why are you still creating each one by hand?

Azure Portal's Account Manager Coming to More Services

Microsoft this week said it is bringing its new "account manager" multiple sign-in capability to various online services sometime next year.

Windows 10 FIDO2 Support Ready for Prime Time

Microsoft this week announced that a new Windows 10 capability that obviates the need for passwords is now ready.

Windows Compatibility Module 1.0.0 for PowerShell Core 6 Released

Microsoft last week released the Windows Compatibility Module 1.0.0 for PowerShell Core 6, allowing PowerShell Core 6 users to access modules that Microsoft hasn't yet added natively to the PowerShell Core product.

Set Up an Azure File Share Used as a Mounted Drive

Setting up a place to store files in the cloud isn't quite as easy as doing it on-prem. That's where Microsoft's Azure Files service comes in.

Microsoft's Easy Fix and Hotfix Service Get the Axe

Two of Microsoft's Windows patch delivery services are no more.

Creating an Azure SQL Database with PowerShell

When you need a SQL database fast, the cloud is the best way to go. Azure provides a SQL database as a PaaS that eliminates the need to get an entire SQL Server deployment up and running.

Group-Based Azure AD Licensing Now Generally Available

Microsoft this month enabled organizations to assign Azure Active Directory licenses according to group.

Creating a VHD from a Physical Computer with Disk2vhd

Disk2Vhd is a little Microsoft utility that does one thing and one thing well: convert physical computers to virtual disks.

Microsoft Mulls New Protocol for Updating Windows Firmware

Microsoft recently described its efforts around the Component Firmware Update (CFU) protocol, which is an open source project housed at the GitHub repository.

Microsoft Enables Azure AD To Correct Sync Errors

A new Azure Active Directory Connect Health feature lets IT pros resolve duplicate attribute sync errors.

Installing a Module from the PowerShell Gallery

For the longest time, the open source community had a concept called "public package repositories." Microsoft never had the same -- until the PowerShell Gallery.

Uploading a PowerShell Gallery Module Directly to Azure Automation

Azure Automation can be an excellent PowerShell script orchestration tool, though it has just a limited number of PowerShell modules. Luckily, we can upload our own modules, too.

Microsoft Streamlines Its Model for Windows Servicing Stack Updates

To avoid issues that have affected some Windows 7 users, Microsoft will start releasing Windows servicing stack updates (SSUs) as part of its monthly update rollups starting next month.

AWS Adds PowerShell Core 6.0 Support in Lambda

Lambda, the serverless computing platform from Amazon Web Services (AWS), now supports Microsoft PowerShell Core 6.0, the cloud giant announced this month.

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