Prof. Powershell

Remote Possibilities

With no second computer for lab testing these remote connection management tips, what's a geek to do? Of course -- establish a 'remote' connection.

PowerShell 2.0 Remoting

WMI is no longer necessary for managing remote computers with PowerShell. Here's how to extend your management grasp.

PowerShell: The Next Generation

Windows 7 is just around the corner; that means PowerShell 2.0 is too. Here's a quick look at what to expect.

Can You Namespace That Class?

WMI and PowerShell go together like Batman and Robin. Tap their power together.

Get Service Secret

The secret is out. Get-Service has a method called, appropriately enough, GetServices() -- useful if you're managing remote computers.

Function Fun

Have a blast stringing along functions and reusing them.

Are You Content?

You may be familiar with Out-File for saving output to a file. Now, try something different and use Set-Content.

Snapins on Standby

Find it, load it, and use it, in that order. It's this week's lesson on PowerShell snapins.

Inspecting the Pipeline's Output

Like an electron microscope, the OutVariable parameter offers a peek deep into your pipelined PowerShell expressions.

Turning In Your Homework

There are as many ways to do things with PowerShell cmdlets as there are ways to skin a cat.

More Fun with Aliases

PowerShell's New-Alias cmdlet makes quick work of running commands. Create new ones and share among your team.

Wide Load

Get a better view of the data you've asked PowerShell to fetch with the Format-Wide cmdlet.

Label Me Perfect

The power of properties allow you to use it as a, well, a PowerShell labelmaker.

Perfect Properties

PowerShell custom properties go beyond the call of duty by providing information as you need it.

Super ScriptBlocks

Brace yourself! That's your way of telling PowerShell to execute whatever code is encased in the curly braces.

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