Prof. Powershell

Snapin Modules

Powershell 2.0 takes snapins a bit farther, adding the 'module' concept.

Registry Remoting

Get a remote computer's registry info, as long as it's running PowerShell 2.0. Here's how.

Variable Pipeline Planning

Leave it to the -OutVariable parameter to get you the results that can be reused later.

Contain Yourself

The PSIsContainer property can offer a view into your computer via this PowerShell trick.

Restarting with Restart-Computer

A cmdlet that will have you whistling while you work.

Splat! Goes the New Object

New-Object's Property parameter can bust out a hashtable of property names and values that's easier on the eyes.

Easy SQL Rider

You'll likely use a script in order to use SQL expressions in PowerShell. But you might consider this efficient alternative.

PSForecast: Variable with a Chance of Objects

Variables hold a special place in ... er ... your scripts; namely, they're placeholders for objects.

PowerShell OverDrive

Get to the good stuff with the Get-PSDrive cmdlet.

Hurry Up and Wait

The Wait-Process in PowerShell 2.0 -- kinda like the Yield sign for multi-process scripts.

Computer Membership

Some cool cmdlets that can help you with migrating or provisioning computers.

Different Yet the Same

Compare-Object cmdlet tricks you might not know about.

Values, Separated at Commas

The ConvertTo-CSV cmdlet, new with PowerShell 2.0, gives you a bit more flexibility in how you plug into CSV-formatted info.

Get EventLog, The Sequel

Get-EventLog plays well in PowerShell 2.0, providing you with more information in a less confusing way.

PowerShell Pack

There are more than 800 functions and cmdlets, so start getting familiar with them.

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