Natural Disasters: Top Tips to Help IT Keep the Business Going

Date: Wednesday, May 29th at 11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET

Scott Bekker
Editor, Redmond Magazine

It's been said that North America has some of the wildest weather on Earth. With the summer months approaching, it's the season for thunderstorms, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires and floods. Is your business data prepared to weather any approaching storms?

Attend this special webcast from the editors of for:

  • Best practices for preparing business data for potential events
  • Key insights from businesses affected by recent weather events
  • Find out about unexpected secondary and tertiary effects of weather-related incidents on IT
  • Learn about resources for monitoring weather's effects on key cloud services

Don't miss this opportunity to make sure you're doing what is necessary to shelter your data from the storm.

Register now!

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