Identity System Defense for the Healthcare Industry

Date: Thursday, April 18th at 11am PT / 2pm ET

Cyberattackers have healthcare systems in their sights. By breaching identity systems such as Active Directory and Entra ID, attackers can quickly compromise vital operational infrastructure and sensitive data throughout a healthcare organization. Securing the identity infrastructure is a key step in thwarting threat actors.

Join Marty Momdjian, Semperis’ EVP of Services and an expert in healthcare cyber protection, to learn why the industry has become a prime cyberattack target—and how an effective 360˚ identity threat detection and response (ITDR) strategy can help you protect your organization, staff, and patients.

You’ll learn:

  • Which attack vectors make healthcare organizations particularly vulnerable
  • How to protect environments with multiple identity systems
  • How to reduce the attack surface when migrating or consolidating Active Directory
  • Why identity-first response and recovery should be central parts of every disaster recovery plan

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About the presenter:

Marty Momdjian, EVP of Services, Semperis

Marty Momdjian, EVP of Services at Semperis, brings more than 15 years’ strategic and tactical leadership in cyber resilience and incident response (IR) to Semperis. His expertise in identity security, particularly in applied controls and ease of use, was forged while leading IR and recovery teams during some of the most well-known cyber breaches in the healthcare industry. At Semperis, Marty’s focus is on breach preparedness and mitigating the impact to clinical and business operations during cyber events.

Duration: 1 hour

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