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  • What is SQL Server and how does it work - SQL Server 101

    Are you wondering which tools can help you manage your SQL (Structured Query Language) server? Are you looking for a guide that will help you achieve a quick and easy start with SQL that includes both the history of SQL and its technical basics? Learn more.

  • Top 6 Reasons to Use Cloud Backup as a Service (BaaS)

    Disasters can strike anywhere and at any time, often impacting organizations that cannot afford them. Read this white paper and learn how to plan for — and survive — a disaster-related outage. Learn more.

  • 6 Critical Reasons for Office 365 Backup

    This 5-minute, easy-to-read document explains why organizations need to protect Office 365 data. This report will teach you the big misunderstanding between Microsoft's responsibility and the IT organizations, reasons why backing up Office 365 is critical and who is in control of Office 365 data. Learn more.

  • Veeam Enterprise Availability for SAP HANA

    Enterprise-grade companies uses SAP HANA worldwide, this is the application directly related to customers core business functionality. It’s mission critical for the companies to have proper disaster recovery strategy for the SAP HANA, which can be provided by Veeam Hyper-Availability Platform. Learn more.

  • Beginner's Guide to Data Corruption and How to Avoid It

    When choosing a backup solution, one of the most important decision factors is reliability. When it comes to restores, backup administrators expect not only flexibility from the software, but also a guarantee that data can be restored.

  • Facilitating Data Loss Prevention with Netwrix Auditor

    Gartner urges organizations looking to get started with data loss prevention (DLP) to explore the DLP capabilities of the products they already have before adopting an enterprise DLP solution, and names Netwrix as a vendor that offers a solution to help with the data discovery aspect of DLP. This eBook expands upon these important data protection issues.

  • 2019 Buyer’s Guide: B2B Contact Data Provider

    2019 Buyer’s Guide - 3 ‘Gotchas’ to Avoid When Evaluating B2B Data Providers for Sale. Learn more.

  • Checklist: How to Evaluate a B2B Contact Data Provider

    What started as a vendor landscape that primarily offered contact information of B2B professionals has evolved to provide sales teams with end-to-end prospecting solutions. Today, leading B2B data providers help companies maximize their sales department’s productivity and effectiveness through tools and information that help identify, connect, and engage qualified prospects.

  • 5 Essential Features of a Prospecting Solution

    Is your sales team equipped with the tools needed to exceed their quota?

  • G2 Crowd Grid® for Sales Intelligence

    B2B relies on Sales Intelligence Software to maximize sales processes. Read this eBook to learn how the Grid® Scoring method helps companies select the best possible solutions to meet sales intelligence needs.

  • G2 Crowd Grid® for Sales Intelligence

    B2B relies on Sales Intelligence Software to maximize sales processes. Read this eBook to learn how the Grid® Scoring method helps companies select the best possible solutions to meet sales intelligence needs.

  • The Essential Guide to Cloud-based Backup and Disaster Recovery

    When disaster strikes, whether large or small, your job is to keep things up and running. You need to build a plan of action. So, where do you start?

  • Disaster Recovery: Make the Case to Add it to Your IT Budget

    Business leaders may think Disaster Recovery isn’t worth the cost in their budget. Yet human error, cybercrime or a natural disaster can cause company’s digital infrastructure to come crashing down in seconds. Then what?

  • Unified Security Management vs. SIEM: a Technical Comparison

    Get a full overview of the changing security landscape, and more importantly insight into the rapidly changing SIEM category, and the reasons that have led to those changes.

  • Best Practices for Office 365 Security Monitoring

    In this white paper, you'll learn about security monitoring best practices for Office 365.