
New Exams Nearing Beta

Visual C++ Desktop and Distributed exams coming soon; SMS 2.0 exam beta announced on heels of SMS 2.0's release.

Last week, Microsoft announced two more key exams for the Microsoft Certified Solution Developer exam. Designing and Implementing Visual C++ Desktop Applications with Visual C++ 6.0 (70-016, or 71-016 during the beta) will go into beta from March 26 to April 23. Designing and Implementing Visual C++ Distributed Applications with Visual C++ 6.0 (70-015, or 71-015) will go into beta from March 31 to April 28. Both exams satisfy the core requirements of the new MCSD track, or an elective if you've taken other exams for the core. The Visual C++ Distributed exam also counts as an elective toward the new Microsoft Certified Database Administrator title.

In this exam, be prepared for new, case study-type questions; to read more about these question types, read the March issue "News" at (These new question types also appeared in the Analyzing Requirements exam (70-100), which we review in the upcoming April issue of MCP Magazine.)

On the heels of the release of Systems Management Server 2.0 comes the new version of the SMS exam. Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 (70-086, or 71-086) will take place March 30 to April 9, 1999, with registration beginning on March 29, 1999.

Remember that an advantage of taking a beta exam is that it's only $50 and is credited like a real exam toward achievement of a title. Beta exam takers who pass these betas will get a voucher for a free exam; the voucher will be mailed soon after each exam goes live.

Registration for these exams begins the day before exam availability, and exams can only be taken at Sylvan Prometric testing centers. To register in the U.S. and Canada, call Sylvan at 800-755-3926. All others should contact a local Sylvan Prometric office (to locate them, visit

For details and exam objectives, visit (for Desktop VC++), (Distributed VC++), and (SMS 2.0).

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