
Now Live! Win2K Foundations Chat in #PA1

Join Harry Brelsford for a live chat on Windows 2000, happening right now (from 4-5 p.m. Pacific) in the #PA1 room.

You need the advice of a Windows 2000 consultant, but don't want to pay the high fees. So, where else can you get the expertise of an independent consultant for free? Join Harry Brelsford, independent MCSE consultant and MCP Magazine columnist during this one-hour chat, in which he'll field all Windows 2000 questions -- technical- and certification-related -- without sending you an invoice. During the chat, we'll also give away two copies of Harry's new book, Active Directory Planning and Design, compliments of M&T Books.

The chat takes place in the #PA1 room this Thursday, Sept. 14, at 4 p.m. Pacific (Los Angeles) time; to figure the time difference in your location, go to NOTE: This replaces the chat that was postponed from Monday, Sept. 11.

Before you join the chat, check out Harry's "Windows 2000 Foundations" series online. His latest column, on Win2K maintenance tasks, is at

Also, don't forget the 70-215 Win2K Server Exam chat with Andy Barkl Sept. 15, at 4 p.m. Pacific, in the #ClubMCP1 room. It's the second part of an ongoing series of Win2K MCSE Core Exam study chats.

Remember, participants can win MCP Magazine stuff and self-study products during all chats. For rules, details on how to join the chat, and chat transcripts, go to

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