
Early Adopters Get ISA Release Candidate 2

.NET Server being shipped to early adopters in processor-limited Standard version and more robust, multiprocessor Enterprise version.

Keith Ward of ENT Magazine reports that Microsoft Corp. this week is delivering to its early adopter customers its Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server. Ward reports that the firewall and caching server RC-2 is being shipped in two flavors: Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition.

ISA chief functions remain the same for both versions. However, the Standard Edition is limited to one machine with four processors and local policy only. The Enterprise Edition has no hardware limitations, supports enterprise- and array-level policies, and multi-server arrays with centralized management. ISA SE will be priced at $1,499 per processor; ISA EE will be $5,999 per processor. Microsoft hopes to ship them by the end of the year.

To read the report from ENT Magazine, go to To get more information on ISA Server, go to

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