
IBM Ships New OLAP Server

IBM Corp. on Thursday launched a new version of its OLAP server technology that the company says is built on a new kind of OLAP capability and combines OLAP functions with data mining.

IBM calls the new OLAP functionality Hybrid Analysis, and the company says it combines multidimensional OLAP with relational database scalability.

“[It] combines the high performance of multidimensional OLAP with relational scalability, provides users real-time analytics and enables a broader range of applications while speeding up the analysis of data from as much as 20 to 60 percent,” according to IBM.

Pulling data mining functionality into the server brings IBM up to checklist feature parity with Microsoft, which brought data mining capabilities into the database with SQL Server 2000 and OLAP into the database with SQL Server 7.0. Oracle includes OLAP functionality in its Oracle9i database.

IBM and Oracle have been neck-and-neck competitors for worldwide, cross-platform market share. Microsoft, with SQL Server’s Windows-only limitation, is further back in the race.

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.

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