
Security Implementer Exam Now Available

Exam counts toward MCSE: Security on Windows Server 2003 track.

On Friday, February 13, Microsoft released Exam 70-299, Implementing and Administering Security in a Windows Server 2003 Network. The exam counts as core credit toward the MCSE: Security on Windows 2003 and an elective for the MCSA/MCSE on Windows Server 2003 tracks.

Exam 70-299 is aimed at entry-level administrators who have about six months or a year of experience implementing and monitoring security issues on the desktops and on servers in a fairly complex Windows network. According to the exam guide, the exam tests candidates' abilities to configure and troubleshoot access to applications and systems, manage patches and hotfixes, and create and apply security policies through security templates.

Microsoft recommends the following training for 70-299:

To view the 70-299 exam objectives, go to To view the MCSE requirements, go to; for MCSA, go to

[To discuss this exam with peers, go to]

About the Author

Michael Domingo has held several positions at 1105 Media, and is currently the editor in chief of Visual Studio Magazine.

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