
Beta Dates Set for Windows Mobile Exams

Long beta testing phases planned for exams aimed at Windows Mobile application developers.

Two exams aimed at Windows Mobile application developers will head into beta testing in the next two weeks, with each beta phase lasting about three weeks. They include:

70-500 TS: Windows Mobile Designing, Implementing, and Managing, Oct. 16-Nov. 3

70-540 TS: Windows Mobile Application Development, Oct. 23-Nov. 17

Both exams will be prefixed with a 71- while in beta format; beta exams are free to those who get an invitation from Microsoft.

Exam 70-500 targets those who have experience writing designing and implementing mobile applications, especially those who've written applications that can tap into Exchange and Outlook/OWA. Those who pass the beta and live versions will earn a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: Windows Mobile 5.0 certification.

Exam 70-540 appears more specialized in its target; Microsoft recommends those who attempt this exam to be well versed in .NET Framework concepts and have at least a year experience having worked with the .NET Compact Framework. Those who pass the beta and live versions will earn a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: Windows Mobile 5.0 Applications title.

[Editor's Note: This updates a news item we ran on these exams back in August; click here to read it.]

Noteworthy: Microsoft has updated its site with an exam guide for 70-501 TS: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Hosted Environments, Configuring, and Managing. The guide says that the exam is aimed at candidates who have at least two years of experience working with Windows Server 2003 in a hosted environment, as well as familiarity with the Microsoft Operations Framework and Information Technology Infrastructure Library. Those who pass will earn a Technology Specialist: Windows Server 2003 Hosting, Configuration and Management certification. Microsoft official courseware for this exam is expected later this year. Microsoft hasn't confirmed that this exam may count toward the Hosting Solutions requirement of the Advanced Infrastructure Solutions competency, one of many that make up the Microsoft Certified Partner program.

To read the news item on this exam, click here.

About the Author

Michael Domingo has held several positions at 1105 Media, and is currently the editor in chief of Visual Studio Magazine.

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