
IT Pros List Coolest Security Jobs

Looking for the coolest jobs in IT? A new survey of information technology and network security specialists suggests that the place to look is on the front lines of cyberspace -- and that the variety of work is greater than many might suspect.

IBM Sends SaaS With Hosted Messaging Rollout

Big Blue upped its ante in the software as a service (SaaS) space this week with the release of a hosted version of its venerable corporate e-mail software.

Off-Cycle Microsoft Patch Targets Worm-Like Windows Bug

Redmond on Thursday released a critical out-of-cycle security patch affecting Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 systems.

Do You Read Me?

Even sans GUI, Powershell can be made to work interactively. The trick is the Read-Host cmdlet.

Yahoo To Cut Jobs After Flat 3Q Performance

Yahoo's revenue was up by one percent, year-over-year, according to its third-quarter results published on Wednesday, but its workforce will still get cut by 10 percent.

Bad Times Call for a Security Check, Experts Say

"Disaster breeds opportunity," so the old slogan goes. But when it comes to uncertain economic times, companies should double-check their internal policies and procedures, security experts say.

A Fix for Database Orphans

A common problem when restoring databases is making orphans of users. Here's a quick fix.

VMware Earnings Beat Expectations In a Difficult Economy

One of the most closely tracked companies on Wall Street's radar screen did not disappoint expectations with reported revenues for the third quarter of $472 million, a 32 percent increase achieved under increasingly difficult market conditions.

Microsoft Gets Patent on Broadcast Censorship Solution

On-line gamers using profanity in audio chat sessions may have their act cleaned up if Microsoft has anything to say about it.

Sync Framework: It's Still at Version 1.0

Microsoft claimed on Tuesday that it did not release the next version of its Sync Framework on Oct. 13, as reported by some news outlets last week.

Microsoft Releases Virtual Machine Manager

Microsoft released System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 (VMM 2008), the second major component of its virtualization strategy.

Alcatel-Lucent Beefs Up Enterprise Laptop Security

Enterprise IT professionals concerned about laptops holding proprietary corporate data should be heartened by a new 3G mobile security technology update from Alcatel-Lucent.

POP3 Users: Rejected!

Admin wonders why user names in Exchange Server 2007 comes up with errors.

Google Shows Strong 3Q Revenue

Google on Thursday reported strong revenue growth for its third quarter, despite a faltering economy.

Elop Touts OCS 2007 R2 as PBX Replacement

The updated Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS) 2007 will make the IP private branch exchange (PBX) "the electronic typewriter of enterprise voice" by using software to do the job that hardware did in the past -- only do it better.

Virtualization Market Strong but Slowing, Report Says

An IDC study released on Thursday depicted a slowing worldwide market for virtualized servers.

First Look: 3.0

Sun Microsystems this week announced the release of the latest version of its open source office suite, 3.0 (OO3).

Ballmer Drops Hints About Windows 7, Cloud Computing

Microsoft's CEO talked about Windows 7 and the company's vision for syncing up applications in the Internet cloud at a Gartner-sponsored event on Thursday.

Microsoft Posts Touchless SDK on Codeplex

A software project by a Columbia University computer science student to eliminate the need for multiple hardware-based touch interfaces is now on Microsoft's Codeplex site.

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