
VM-in-a-VM Is Broken, for Now ...

"Greyhound" comes to a screeching halt in the virtual world.

Microsoft Announces Extensibility Framework for .NET

Last week, Microsoft's .NET Framework program manager Krzysztof Cwalina announced that his team is working on a new framework for .NET -- Managed Extensibility Framework -- designed to improve compatibility with third-party extensions.

IDC: IT Budgets Down in 2008

IT execs are focusing on cutting costs rather than investing in technology this quarter, according to a report by research analysts at IDC.

Convergence Idea Gets Serious With Live Mesh, Analysts Say

Live Mesh sounds like "HailStorm" in concept -- a way to access your data from any device with an Internet connection -- says Microsoft's Rosoff.

Microsoft Nixes XP Extended-Life Rumors

Windows XP, which will no longer be sold after June 30, will not get a reprieve despite Ballmer's quip at a press conference about relenting to customer feedback.

Microsoft's Revenues Flat in 3Q 2008 Report

Microsoft had flat revenue results as reflected in its third-quarter 2008 report.

Live Mesh: An 'Open Platform' for Developers

Amit Mital, general manager of Microsoft's Live Mesh group, had a message for developers attending the Web 2.0 Expo underway this week: Think open platform.

PowerShell AKA

DOS commands seem to work in PowerShell, but not all is as it seems. Here's the trick.

Bugs Are Up, Microsoft Security Report Says

New attack vectors and methods for hacker intrusion, it seems, are popping up every few months.

UCP Lets 'Em In

Plus, tracking sand out of JRE apps; greeting card hacks; RealPlayer BOV

Microsoft Could Abandon Yahoo Bid, Ballmer Hints

Spurned suitor Microsoft, which has been trying to acquire Yahoo since the end of January, adopted a new tactic today.

Microsoft and Novell Take Linux Licensing to China

Microsoft and Novell have stepped up their collaborative efforts on open source operating system technology and intellectual property by moving their controversial enterprise Linux licensing agreement into the Chinese market.

Update: North American Imagine Cup 2008 Crowns Winner

Team Sparx takes away top honor and trip to global final in Paris in July.

Microsoft To Release SOA Tool Paving the Path to Oslo

Looking to broaden the reach of high performance .NET applications across multiple clustered tiers and platforms, Microsoft this week will release a sample application, tutorials and benchmarks to help simplify the development and deployment of service-oriented architecture (SOA) composite apps.

Microsoft Launches Dynamics CRM Online

Microsoft rolled out its Dynamics CRM Online platform today as a generally available service.

Hooray for Transactional Integrity!

Image-level backup consolidates that server's state into one nice and tidy bundle.

Microsoft Releases Windows XP SP3 to Manufacturing

Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) has been released to manufacturing, according to a post on Microsoft TechNet.

Council Publishes Guidelines for Securing Customer Data Online

The PCI Security Standards Council this week announced plans to issue new guidelines that it hopes will give transaction application developers and security specialists a clear direction to the path of least resistance when it comes to assessing risks surrounding customer and vendor data -- most notably, credit card and payment information.

Project Albany Moves Into Google Turf

Microsoft revealed "Albany," a consumer-oriented hosted service that provides Excel, PowerPoint and Word applications, plus security and collaboration tools.

Hoax Subpoena E-Mails Shine Light on 'Spearphishing'

Hundreds of executives at some of America's most well-known companies received e-mails that they probably didn't want to get -- even if those messages weren't a hoax.

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