
ISA Server 2004 Generally Available

Microsoft Internet Security & Acceleration Server 2004 is generally available, a Microsoft executive told partners at a conference Tuesday.

Bagle Comes Back

Bagle is back and security industry insiders say new developments with the mass-mailing worm will probably cause headaches for Windows administrators all summer.

Windows XP SP2 Coming in August

Windows XP Service Pack 2, arguably Microsoft's biggest service pack yet and the company's most important security project since the Trustworthy Computing initiative, will be released in August.

Weekly IT Roundup, July 9

New, updated software and hardware announcements of interest to MCPs, from the business wires.

Postini Declares Shift in Spam Battle

E-mail security and management provider Postini declared this week that its method of blocking spam e-mails based on IP addresses is proving an effective complement to content filtering.

Group: Piracy Costs Software Industry $29 Billion

Pirated software accounted for more than a third of the software installed on computers worldwide in 2003, representing a loss of $29 billion, according to a study released Wednesday by a software industry group.

Ballmer Memo Aimed at Wall Street, Employees

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's massive 4,900-word internal memo to Microsoft employees is a major event in Redmond and for Wall Street, but it affects IT shops only marginally. $1 billion in cuts planned by July 2005. Product schedules do not appear to be affected.

Log Jam

Use caution when setting log file limits; plus, some scripting books to check out.

Interim Fix Released for Critical IE Flaw

Microsoft released an emergency configuration update over the July Fourth U.S. holiday that for the first time gives Internet Explorer users protection against the specific vulnerabilities exploited by the Download.Ject attack.

IT Weekly Roundup, July 2

New, updated software and hardware, compiled from the business wire this week.

Managing User Profiles in ASP.NET 2.0

Learn how to implement user profile management, a hot new feature in ASP.NET 2.0.

Create a DSN-Less Database Connection

Increase your application's flexibility and make the installation simpler by connecting to the database without generating a DSN in the ODBC Data Source Administrator. Instead, use VB code to configure the connection.

Display and Manage Images in ASP.NET

Develop image-management apps that exploit the .NET Framework and ASP.NET with recursion, the TreeView control, the System.Drawing.Images namespace, the System.IO namespace, and more.

Back to the Test Lab

It's high time you reconsider test-driven development.

Capture Digital Images Quickly

Take a look at the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a component that quickly captures images from scanners and cameras.

DFS to the Rescue

The power of this simple, useful tool is more evident when used during server consolidations or migrations.

Welcome to REDMOND (Magazine)!

Coming in October: More of the same, but more and better.

Add Images to SQL Server

Adding images to and removing them from a SQL Server database is straightforward using simple drag-and-drop procedures.

Rainbow Crack--Not a New Street Drug

You can roll your own (pardon the pun) cracks for Windows LM passwords.

Taming Kerberos

If you’re using Windows 2000 Server or above, chances are you’re also using Kerberos authentication. It’s time to get to know this three-pronged protocol and learn how to troubleshoot it.

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