
Output Your Trace Info

Output your trace information to new targets, including SQL Server and XML—and do it without parsing.

4 Dirt-Cheap Workgroup Servers Put to the Test

You can buy a lot for $1,000 these days. We test four bargain-basement boxes and tell you what to expect.

Directing Traffic

This script can be altered to read/write any kind of Registry entry.

The Pinocchio Factor

How Microsoft is like the fairy tale.

Automate Exception Logging

You can automate exception logging with one line of client code, control it through an App.config file without recompiling, and use custom publishers to craft cool logging tools.

Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine to Become REDMOND Magazine

Renamed publication adds veteran IT journalists to staff.

Books: Use ADO.NET in Your C# Apps

Learn how to turn ADO.NET classes into tools for constructing software using C# in Mahesh Chand's book, A Programmer's Guide to ADO.NET in C#.

True Life Tale: Telepathic Updates

User believe mind readers are hired at the help desk.

XP SP2--Dedicated To Security

Microsoft’s next Service Pack for Windows XP is almost totally about improved security. And it shows.

Lock Down Your Handheld Devices

As the capabilities of handheld devices have grown, so have the threats.

Manipulate Text With Regular Expressions

Learn whether a given date is greater than or equal to a predefined date and how to add to the Expression Editor dialog box's list of Standard Expressions.

Use “Run as” To Secure Administration Tasks

This tool allows you to do various things using different rights/credentials.

Dfs vs. FRS

Admin wants to maintain snappy performance with user profiles and home folders with a Windows 2003 network upgrade.

Add VROOM with VLANs

Virtual LANs are a good way to speed up your network by grouping users and computers into logical, rather than physical, units. Here’s how they work.

Hobbyists Speak for Themselves

Kathleen Dollard's recent Guest Opinion inspires reaction. Some hobbyists want Microsoft to continue support for VB6, while full-timers advise amateurs to step up to the .NET plate.

SBS 2003: Your Small Business Operating System

As part of the June cover feature, "4 Dirt-Cheap Workgroup Servers," Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 might interest those small and medium businesses.

Contacts En Masse

Find out how to import Contacts and User Objects into Active Directory, as well as modify batched objects.

Restocking the Toolbox

It’s worthwhile to spend time with new tools, but only if it gets you ahead in the development game.

VS.NET Needs a Novice Version

VS.NET is a flexible and powerful programming tool, but a special novice version would expand its audience (and Microsoft's) not only with hobbyists, but in the enterprise as well.

Boot-Time Security

Boot-up is a dangerous time for your systems, a time before security policies to protect them may be active. Avoid danger with persistent policies.

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