
Virtual Computing Rules

It's hip, it's cool, it's virtual computing. Well, it's cool for geeks, anyways.

Free Online Security Clinics

Get online training for secure networking and application development; limited time availability.

Symantec to Buy Anti-Spam Vendor

Security giant Symantec Corp. on Wednesday said it will buy Brightmail, a six-year-old anti-spam company, for $370 million in a cash deal expected to close by early July.

Quest Reveals Which Products Survive Aelita Acquisition

Quest Software this week unveiled the inevitable aftermath of its acquisition of Aelita Software -- which products from the two companies' similar portfolios of Windows software have a future and which didn't make the cut.

NetIQ Integrates Security Offerings

NetIQ took a step toward integrating its security products so they can be used more seamlessly to address a broader swath of security issues facing the enterprise.

Commerce Server Rises From the Ashes of Jupiter

Despite Internet rumors that Microsoft Commerce Server was dead, and despite the crash and burn of the "Jupiter" mega-server project that would have included Commerce Server, Microsoft affirmed this week that Commerce Server has a future.

Exchange Migration Walk-Thru

Reader has Exchange upgrade problems; plus, update on Exchange memory optimization problem. Campaign Launched to Bolster IIS 6.0 Adoption

More than a year after launching Windows Server 2003, Microsoft is starting a marketing campaign to single out the Internet Information Services 6.0 Web server component as a strong reason to upgrade to the server OS.

Windows Longhorn Server Set for 2007

While Jim Allchin said this month that the Windows Longhorn client and server projects are back in synch from a development perspective, another senior Microsoft officials clarified this week that the server version won't be ready as soon as the client version.

SAP Aims for Tighter Integration with Microsoft Technologies

Enterprise application giant SAP is working to hook its wares more tightly with Microsoft's ubiquitous Office desktop productivity software and Microsoft's widely used Visual Studio development platform.

Remote Code Execution Flaw Fixed in Windows

After burdening IT with patches for 20 vulnerabilities in its April Patch Tuesday, Microsoft offered a fix for just one vulnerability in this month's patch event.

Sasser Enters Round 6 as Patch Tuesday Arrives

Just as IT brushes itself off from the Sasser worm, it's that time again. Today is Microsoft's Patch Tuesday, that day once a month when Microsoft puts out all the security patches it's been working on.

Why do Spammers Spam?

Are spammers mostly misunderstood individuals who are providing a valuable service?

Mono Brings .NET to Open Systems

Thanks to Mono 1.0, .NET is for Linux, Unix and even MacOS.

SMS 2003 SP1 Beta Available

Beta testing is underway for the first service pack for Systems Management Server 2003, Microsoft's enterprise product for change and configuration management.

The New Microsoft Management Roadmap

Update from Microsoft Management Summit in March.

Sun, Microsoft Kiss and Make Up

Microsoft agrees to pay out $2 billion to Sun in landmark agreement.

Out with SUS, in with WUS

Dramatic update to software updating services

Windows XP SP2

Windows XP Service Pack 2 is perhaps the most anticipated and significant service pack Microsoft has ever released. An in-depth look at the timetable, components and resources for Windows XP Service Pack 2.

Virtualize This

Test networks on Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 beta.

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