
Microsoft Provides More Insight Into Its June Patch Problems

Issues concerning Microsoft's June security patch and its potential to break Group Policy Object (GPO) settings were discussed yet again this week by Microsoft in a blog post.

Writing PowerShell Code for Performance

The cmdlet Measure-Command will test and evaluate your code to make sure it's as optimal as can be.

Azure Active Directory Role-Based Controls Expanded

Microsoft outlined some increased flexibility IT pros will have when it comes to Azure Active Directory's role-based access.

Windows 10 'Anniversary Edition' To Be Released in August

Microsoft announced that its Windows 10 Anniversary Edition will be arriving on Aug. 2.

Microsoft Releases System Center Configuration Manager Tech Preview 1606

Microsoft earlier in June made the latest System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Technical Preview live.

Finding Pending Updates Using PowerShell

For environments with strict policies, here's how to make sure your servers are always up to date.

Azure Information Protection Service To Arrive This Year

Microsoft said its upcoming information protection service will be available in the second half of the year.

Microsoft Releases Exchange Server Cumulative Updates

Exchange Server 2013 and 2016 received cumulative updates this week from Microsoft.

Getting Started with PowerShell Script Analyzer

Microsoft's powerful tool will make sure your scripts meet best practices.

Office 365 Update 1602 Deferred Channel Released

The latest Office 365 update is now available, featuring new security updates and Office application additions.

Some Group Settings Break After Applying Microsoft's June Security Patch

An issue with one of Microsoft's 17 patch Tuesday security releases issued this week may be causing some Group Policy Object settings to crash.

US-CERT and Microsoft Team To Deliver Guidance on Office Malware

New info has been released on a popular tactic being used to spread malicious files through Office documents.

How To Use PowerShell for Bulk VM Checkpointing

This process is perfect for those looking to create restore points before updates are installed.

Office 365 Admin App 3.0 Now Available

Microsoft on Tuesday released the latest version of its Office 365 Admin App for Android and Windows Phone.

Microsoft Open Sources WebGL Browser Technology

In another step in the company's open source initiate, Microsoft last week has made some of its tech used for WebGL graphics rendering in its Microsoft Edge browser available in the GitHub repository.

Windows 10 Gets Azure Active Directory Enterprise State Roaming Service

Microsoft's Azure Active Directory Enterprise State Roaming service for Windows 10 went live this week.

Windows 10 App Compatibility List Site Goes Live

A new Web site from Microsoft that checks to see if an app is compatible with Windows 10 is now available.

How To Display GUI Message Boxes in PowerShell

Create custom prompt boxes in minutes with a little PowerShell and .NET knowledge.

Microsoft To Release SharePoint Online Modern Document Libraries in June

Microsoft's library improvements for Office 365 and SharePoint Online will be arriving for commercial subscribers sometime in the coming weeks.

Configuration Manager Capabilities Coming Soon to Microsoft's Intune

Microsoft recently outlined how the gap between its two client management solutions will be shrinking in the coming months.

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