
NSI Offers Lower Cost Disaster Recovery for Windows

NSI Software moved to push data replication into more cost-conscious sectors of the enterprise by introducing a workgroup NAS-focused version of its Double-Take product.

Standard Edition on Tap for Content Management Server

Microsoft plans to offer a scaled-down version of Content Management Server 2002 later this year for medium-sized businesses.

Business Software Drives Microsoft's Gains

Microsoft's core business software drove the financial gains the company reported in its fourth quarter, according to the company's financial statements.

AMD Athlon 64 Set for Sept. 23 Launch

Chipmaker AMD set a Sept. 23 launch date for its AMD Athlon 64 processor, a 64-bit processor designed specifically for desktop and notebook PCs.

Nearly 100,000 Active Web Sites Built on Windows Server 2003

Researchers at Netcraft say Windows Server 2003 is closing in on its 100,000th active Web site in the three months since the launch of Microsoft's latest operating system.

Survey Finds Modest Growth in Tech Spending Expectations

A survey by analyst firm Aberdeen Group found that CIOs have slightly upgraded their IT spending plans over the next six months to a year but that even the increased spending remains in the low single digits.

First Exchange Server 2003 Exam Announced

Microsoft has quietly added its first Exchange Server 2003 exam to its roster of exams.

Critical Flaw Affects Windows Server 2003

Microsoft alerted users on Wednesday to the first critical flaw found so far in Windows Server 2003. The flaw with the Remote Procedure Call protocol could allow a remote attacker to take full control of a Windows machine. It affects all supported versions of Windows except the consumer-oriented Windows Me.

Subnetting Simplified

Quick lesson on configuring subnet addresses.

Windows NAS Appliances Gain Ground

Network Attached Storage devices built on Windows are continuing to gain market share, according to research by IDC.

New Xeon Has More Cache

Intel released a new Xeon processor this week for front-end servers and workstations with more on-die cache. The 3.06-GHz Intel Xeon processor with 1 MB of L3 cache complements the Intel Xeon MP processors released last month for four-processor and larger servers.

Exchange Server 2003 Assessment Now Available

Latest skills module aimed at messaging experts goes online as Exchange is readied for shipping.

Windows Server 2003 Gets First Patch

Windows Server 2003, the operating system Microsoft delayed for a complete security code review, got its first formal patch from Microsoft last week.

Finding Users on the Network

Use Winscl to find out which computers your users are logged onto.

Palladium: Don't Fear the Nexus

Microsoft's Next Generation Secure Computing Base is misunderstood. The controversial proposal for delivering client security through integrated hardware and software has some privacy advocates and conspiracy theorists crying foul. But several details have emerged that demonstrate that this code won't be running secretively in the background, and in fact that it looks like a promising, user-controlled defense against privacy intrusions and security violations.

Long-range ROI with Windows Server 2003 Migrations

When it comes to long-term return on investment, many of the arguments that held sway for the Windows 2000 generation of servers apply to the Windows Server 2003 group.

Quick ROI Hits for Your Windows Infrastructure

Any new Microsoft operating system offers a few flashy improvements where a quick upgrade of a server here and a server there for a valuable feature guarantees an immediate benefit. Windows Server 2003 is no exception.

Windows ROI Strategies

Microsoft did not enter this market blindly with Windows Server 2003. Knowing full well it was releasing a major operating system into a nasty economic climate that had been brewing for more than two years, Microsoft made economic justification a major element of its operating system development and deployment plans. There are clearly cases where a Windows Server 2003 migration will be worth the pain and effort. There are other cases where it's not. Your guide follows.

Microsoft Metadirectory Services Overhauled

After making relatively little noise about metadirectory services for several years, Microsoft on Wednesday said it had released to manufacturing a new metadirectory product called Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003.

IBM Bumps Windows from Top Spot in TPC-C Again

IBM traded places with HP again for the top spot in the Transaction Processing Performance Council OLTP benchmark, bumping a Windows/Itanium-based system with a Unix/RISC system.

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