
Javelina Releases Active Directory Toolset

Javelina Software, a four-year-old company with a background in Banyan Vines, launched a toolset for Active Directory administrators on Tuesday at the MCP TechMentor conference in San Diego.

Microsoft RTMs Windows XP SP1

Microsoft's first Windows XP service pack consolidates bug fixes, boasts new USB 2.0 and .NET support, and lets users pick and choose from among middleware application configurations. If you're not a PC manufacturer or Microsoft premier customer, however, don't expect to deploy it before September 9th.

Getting Carded

Smart cards can dramatically enhance your organization’s security. Here’s what you need to know.

Baking in Security

The aptly titled Writing Secure Code prescribes a best practices approach to hardening your code.

Will You Strike It Rich?

A review of CBT Nuggets' video-based MCSE training.

Does It Have To Be This Hard?

In which Auntie rails at the sorry state of software—and what we can do about it.

The Diversification Dilemma

Is it better to specialize or be a jack-of-all-trades?

Get Active

Hate it or hate it more, product activation is a necessary evil in the XP world. Here’s how to ease the pain.

Optimize VB.NET Code Performance

Optimization rules have changed under VB.NET -- here's half a dozen new ways to build wicked-fast code.

Certified Mail: September 2002

Influencers who want bigger decision-making responsibilities, smart cards that are only as smart as the implementers, and a lucky find.

Security, List By List

Security checklists are valuable—but only if you use them. Follow along on Microsoft’s list and harden a server.

10-Dot Subnetting

A back-to-basics look at subnetting.

Fake Out

A controlled security challenge still provides valuable lessons.

You Got Hacked! Now What?

Hacks are a fact in a connected world. After discovering and expelling the intruders, you have to clean up their messes.

Barbarians at the Gate

Intrusion detection systems are becoming increasingly important in network security. Here’s a primer on what they do and how they work—and an evaluation of four popular sentries.

IDC: Dell Led U.S. Intel-Based Server Market in Q2

The IDC research contradicts an earlier report published by Gartner Dataquest that put the new HP out front.

AMD Releases New High-end Chip

AMD converted its highest-end multiprocessing server and workstation chip to 0.13-micron technology. The AMD Athlon MP processor 2200+ can run in dual-processor servers and workstations.

Patch Posted for Critical Vulnerability Involving Certificates in Windows

Microsoft alerted users to a critical vulnerability involving an ActiveX control that ships in all supported Windows clients. A patch is available.

New Name: Windows .NET Server 2003

Microsoft changed the name of the family of server operating systems it plans to release next year to Windows .NET Server 2003, company representatives said late Thursday. The new name is the fourth for the family of server operating systems.

WebSideStory: 'Browser Wars a Massacre'

Worldwide usage of the AOL-Netscape Navigator browser hit a record low, according to outsourced Web analytics provider WebSideStory Inc. "The browser war is in fact a massacre," WebSideStory StatMarket's vice president of marketing Geoff Johnston said in a statement. "Unless AOL makes a move soon, Netscape may find itself battling Opera for the last 1 [percent] to 2 percent of the market."

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