
Microsoft Releases Web Services Security Spec

IBM and VeriSign to join Microsoft in developing specifications.

IIS Cumulative Patch Released

Microsoft issued a cumulative patch this week for its Internet Information Services Web server that fixes four critical new vulnerabilities and six other newly discovered bugs.

More MCAD/MCSD.NET Exams Near Beta Testing

Betas for Web-based versions of Visual Basic, Visual C# core exams set for summer.

Free Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer Available

Microsoft's ongoing efforts to improve the security of its products got a boost this week when Redmond made its promised Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) available for free download.

Notification, CE SQL Server Betas Unveiled

NEW ORLEANS -- Beta versions of a SQL Server-based notification service and a new Windows CE edition of the database made their first public appearances at Microsoft TechEd 2002 on Wednesday.

Microsoft Ships Commerce Server

NEW ORLEANS -- Microsoft Corp. released the latest of its .NET Enterprise Server line, Commerce Server 2002, on Wednesday at TechEd. The interim release brings tight integration with Visual Studio .NET, enhances the product's global commerce capabilities and improves upon security.

NEC Updates Fault-Tolerant Server Line

NEW ORLEANS -- NEC Solutions Inc., which sells fault-tolerant Intel-based servers built on technology licensed from Stratus Technologies, introduced its second generation of systems this week at Microsoft TechEd.

Microsoft Considers Change on Pass/Fail Policy

While complete reversal unlikely, company says it's considering releasing more info to those who fail.

Toolkit Turns Exchange Data, Features into Web Services

NEW ORLEANS -- Developers at Microsoft's 10th annual TechEd conference received a toolkit to help them turn the features and data in Exchange Server into XML Web services.

Aelita Updates Windows-centric Directory Administration Tool

NEW ORLEANS -- Aelita Corp. this week released a new version of its administration tool for Windows 2000 Active Directory and Exchange.

XML for Analysis Council Takes on Data Mining

A group of vendors, including Microsoft, working on making data analysis tools available as Web services expanded their work to include data mining.

NetIQ Expands MOM with Security Pack

NetIQ, the company that licensed to Microsoft the base technology for its Microsoft Operations Manager, on Tuesday announced a suite of software that builds security functionality into the management toolset.

High-End Windows Servers

Microsoft has been trying to prove it deserves a place in the enterprise data center for years. These days, Microsoft has solid technology, programs and partnerships that earn Microsoft at least a foot in the door in the glass house. From its Windows Datacenter Server operating system and Windows Datacenter Program, to scalability improvements in SQL Server, to partnerships with fault-tolerant hardware vendors, to 64-bit systems, the Windows approach is gaining credibility. But the word Microsoft still raises the hackles on many a data-center manager's neck. In this series of stories we'll look at whether Microsoft is ready for this space.

From MCP TechMentor: .NET Tools Up Close

Simplified password admin and storage resource management tools, plus networked classrooms among offerings being showcased.

Plenty of Room for IT in Web Services

Special Report from TechMentor: Web services and .NET has many IT managers and systems administrators wondering how Web services will affect their jobs and responsibilities.

Dell Commits to Next-Generation Server Technologies

Dell started talking the talk of bricks, blades and InfiniBand. The computer giant made a series of announcements at an enterprise-focused event in New York City on Wednesday that included plans for a 3U blade chassis that holds up to six, two-processor servers.

IIS Gains in Monthly Netcraft Survey

Microsoft's IIS Web server gained almost 2 million sites in March, taking market share from the open-source Apache and the iPlanet Web servers, according to Netcraft.

Microsoft Gets Into the Boot Camp Business

In February, Microsoft began offering Accelerated MCSE Certification Bootcamp through Infinity+1, a Microsoft Service Provider Partner, in effect, sanctioning this method of training.

Compaq Gives Indication of Exchange 2000 Market Penetration

In announcing a new utility-style offering for Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, Compaq Global Services gave some hard evidence for how much Exchange 2000 is penetrating the Exchange user base. Compaq's figures show that about 12 percent of the Exchange seats it has deployed or has under contract are on Exchange 2000 as opposed to Exchange 5.5 and earlier versions of the e-mail server.

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