
Ready for the Tough Stuff?

A review tool for one of the hard exams.

Getting Certified on Exchange 2000

The book, despite some drawbacks, is still a useful exam-prep tool for experienced Exchange 5.5 administrators.

Microsoft Certification Public Newsgroups

Should you chase the rabbit down the newsgroup hole in pursuit of your certification?

All-in-One MCSE Prep

CBT Vision helps you see the answers clearly.

Infrastructure Blues

Why's the network running so slow? Where's the bottleneck? Is it hardware, software or a user? You can find answers quickly if you know your network's infrastructure.

Certified Mail: March 2002

The value of bootcamps; what MCPs wear; Microsoft's certification retirement policy.

Are You a Winner in Our MCSA Contest?

In a newsletter from Jan. 31, I announced a contest seeking early adopters of Microsoft's Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator title.

Closest on the Count

An MCP from India is the winner of our Count-the-MCSEs competition.

Microsoft Details New Developer Certifications

At the VSLive Conference in San Francisco, Microsoft has released official details on its long-awaited certifications.

What, You Got a Problem?! Call for Questions....

MCP Magazine's writers and editors turn their attention to solving your problems -- technical and professional.


Follows the 70-210 exam objectives, but we've seen better guides out there.

Academic Training Revamped

Microsoft no longer offers the Authorized Academic Training Provider (AATP) program as of this year; company replaces it with the Microsoft IT Academy.

Are Two Better Than One?

Two books from Coriolis help prep you for the same ISA Server exam. Question: Why did they do it that way?

What’s New with the Directory

Changes are afoot to make Active Directory more flexible.

Microsoft Certification Price Jumps

U.S. pricing for Microsoft exams through Prometric and VUE testing centers has increased 25 percent, to $125.

Microsoft: No Separate Security Certification

Microsoft's emphasis on trustworthy computing doesn’t mean its certification group will be adding a security-specific credential in the near future.

Pass/Fail Study

If you’re part of a training center that offers on-site testing, MCP Magazine invites you to take part in a research project to evaluate pass/fail rates for exams.

Windows .NET Exams in Pipeline

Microsoft is on schedule to release its Windows .NET exams at about the same time the products themselves are released-whenever that is.

Accelerated Exam Was "Learning Experience" for Microsoft

Redmond may introduce more "composite" tests in future, says Microsoft's certification group.

Exam 70-218, Managing a Win2K Network Exam Goes Live Jan. 22

As a result, MCSA title to be launched officially.

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