
Learning Site Server From the Ground Up

Delve into this book’s pages, and discover the ins and outs of Site Server Commerce Edition.

A Little Q&A

Exam 70-217 requires solid knowledge of Active Directory. Analyzing questions as well as answers (both right and wrong) can help prepare you for the task ahead.

Is the Worst Over for IT Hiring?

Are you a dot-com casualty? IT refugee? Newly minted MCSE entering the job market? If so, your employment outlook may not be quite as bleak as it was just a few months ago.

Exam Updates

More than a year after Microsoft began releasing its first batch of Windows 2000 exams, the company has begun sharing details about the number of Win2K exams it has issued.

MCP TechMentor Diary, Day 3: Active Directory Drain Brain

MCPmag.com reader Rick Johnson gets a good dose of Active Directory technical and certification info during the Thursday sessions.

MCP TechMentor Diary, Day 2: The Humorous World of IT?

Our intrepid conference attendee/reporter finds a product amid the marketing hype and gets up to speed on IP and Group Policies at the first official conference day.

MCP TechMentor Diary, Day 1: Pre-Conference Workshops

MCPmag.com invited a reader to attend the MCP TechMentor Conference in San Francisco. We offered him free attendance in exchange for a daily report on his conference experiences.

Training Know-How

Consider going to the head of the class as a Microsoft Certified Trainer. This briefing tells you how.

Measuring Up MCPs

Anne Marie McSweeney, director of certification and skills assessment group at Microsoft, spoke to editors from Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine and CertCities.com during Fusion, the company's partner conference, which took place in Anaheim, California in July 2001.

Questioning Success, Part III

Exam 70-216 is a bear, thoroughly testing your knowledge of Windows 2000 networking services. Analyzing questions and answers can help you slay the beast.

Division of Labor

With server consolidation on the horizon, it's time—with Redmond's help—to break out of your mold and expand your skill set.

New Microsoft Certs Announced

Decertifications for NT 3.51 MCPs

A New Shade of Scripting

Say goodbye to the days of endless cutting and pasting and hello to the wonderful world of Windows Script Components.

Peace Offering

Microsoft's new certification titles—a step in the right direction?

Is Certification the Answer?

This pragmatic programmer wonders whether a state-sponsored certification process may help or hinder software quality.

Decertifications for NT 3.51 MCPs

Seven thousand MCPs with NT 3.51 titles no longer certified as of June.

Microsoft Certified Systems Expert?

If you’re not an engineer, you want to be an expert. That’s what the results of a recent MCP Magazine survey say.

Distinguishing Windows 2000 MCSE Early Adopters

Are you a card-carrying Windows 2000 MCSE? If you achieve the title before Oct. 31, 2001, you very well may be one.

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