
.NET: Platform of the Future

You’ve heard the hype about the .Net vision. Here’s how Microsoft’s strategy effects you.

Dfs Development

The domain file system in Windows 2000 lets you set up a logical representation of network shares. Here’s how to build a new namespace that’s easier for users to traverse.

See Sharp?

Microsoft hums a new tune with a familiar beat.

Task Manager Mastery

Don't be fooled by the simplicity of Windows 2000's Task Manager.

Review Your Tech Team

An honest performance appraisal will keep things on track.

Well e-Read

Read manuals or self-study materials in an electronic device near you.

Delve into the Depths of ADSI

Get ready for Active Directory Services Interface, the powerful scripting tool that helps you manage Active Directory and much more.

Resource Kit Riches, Part 3

In his third and final look at the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit, James divulges his favorite support utilities.

Monthly and Yearly Maintenance Tasks

From monthly reboots to "retreating" from your network, here are 10 tasks you can perform to keep all your systems running smoothly throughout the year.

Microsoft Visio 2000: Think Network Management

Microsoft’s recent purchase of Visio bodes well for the product—and you.

Component Connection

Will Microsoft .NET bring about an "open" Windows?

Exposing the File System

The strengths of NTFS are often taken for granted. But Windows 2000 exposes new features hidden in the humble file system.

Second Guessing Game

The Microsoft split begs the question: Which part will get the name?

The Realities of Consulting

Consulting work is fraught with pitfalls. But overcome these and the rewards can be great.

Smart Card Education

If you’re concerned about weak passwords serving as a hacker’s haven on your network, smart card logon may be the answer.

Resource Kit Riches, Part 2

In our second look at the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit, James examines the kit’s coverage of TCP/IP, IIS, and IE.

Off the Script: Your Questions

Chris addresses a batch of common questions from readers on ready-to-use scripts, useful books, collecting hardware information by script—and yes, ADSI.

Law of Averages

A close look at the numbers will reveal why your salary may differ slightly.

IPSec, Your Private Communications Security Cop

Implementing this emerging data communication security standard can tighten up your network. Here’s how its default policies work.

What do the Numbers Really Mean—For You?

That MCP salaries remain strong is no surprise, given the increasing need for skilled IT professionals and developers.

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