
How To Work with Environment Variables in PowerShell

Windows environment variables give system administrators access to a plethora of information about the operating system. Here are some ways to manage them.

Enumerate File Shares on a Remote Windows PC with PowerShell

Here's how to quickly figure out what file shares exist on a remote computer, as well as what information is configured on them.

How To Get Notified When a User Is Added to Active Directory

Adam walks through how to proactively monitor an AD group for changes and execute a PowerShell script to take action when that happens.

Using Robocopy To Transfer Files

The GUI is fine if you're only moving a few files, but for larger and more complex migrations, this built-in Windows utility is the way to go.

Installing Windows Admin Center on Windows Server Core

Windows Server Core is the epitome of Microsoft's shift toward GUI-free. But since you can't beat a good dashboard, here's how to access the GUI remotely.

Finding Active Directory FSMO Role Holders with PowerShell

Since FSMO roles are typically spread out among various domain controllers, it's not always easy to figure out which domain controller holds a particular role. Luckily, we have PowerShell and the AD module to make this task a breeze.

Manage Active Directory User Accounts with PowerShell

If you manage just a few user accounts, you could get by with AD Users and Computers or the AD Administrative Center. But if you're in a large organization, you can use PowerShell to automate the identity management process.

Configure Windows Deployment Services Using PowerShell

WDS can be set up via the traditional GUI, but what if you're in an enterprise and have a lot of WDS servers to set up? In that case, PowerShell is a great way to automate the process.

How To Quickly Test a SQL Connection with PowerShell

When creating automation scripts to discover, add, update or remove records from a remote SQL database, you need to make sure your script can successfully connect to the database.

Using PowerShell To Copy Active Directory Users

It's not always the best idea to create Active Directory users from scratch. Your company likely has a standard "template" of attributes that are set for every domain user. So why are you still creating each one by hand?

Set Up an Azure File Share Used as a Mounted Drive

Setting up a place to store files in the cloud isn't quite as easy as doing it on-prem. That's where Microsoft's Azure Files service comes in.

Creating an Azure SQL Database with PowerShell

When you need a SQL database fast, the cloud is the best way to go. Azure provides a SQL database as a PaaS that eliminates the need to get an entire SQL Server deployment up and running.

Creating a VHD from a Physical Computer with Disk2vhd

Disk2Vhd is a little Microsoft utility that does one thing and one thing well: convert physical computers to virtual disks.

Installing a Module from the PowerShell Gallery

For the longest time, the open source community had a concept called "public package repositories." Microsoft never had the same -- until the PowerShell Gallery.

Uploading a PowerShell Gallery Module Directly to Azure Automation

Azure Automation can be an excellent PowerShell script orchestration tool, though it has just a limited number of PowerShell modules. Luckily, we can upload our own modules, too.

Building Your First Azure Automation Runbook

In today's IT organizations, it's critical for system admins to know how to automate processes. Luckily, we have tools like Azure Automation to help us out.

How To Find and Use PowerShell History To Save Time

By using the various history commands in PowerShell, you can search for and easily execute any command that you have previously run in the same session.

How To Replace Text in a File with PowerShell

Whether the string you're looking for inside a text file is a single word or a complicated pattern, PowerShell has the ability to find and replace just about anything.

Investigating File Signatures Using PowerShell

Looking at the signature of a file quickly lets you know whether that file is really what it claims to be. Here's how to tap PowerShell to figure out the file signature.

How To Transfer Files via SCP with PowerShell

Native support for Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) isn't in PowerShell, but that doesn't mean it's not capable.

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