
Tools to Monitor DNS

DnsCmd and DnsLint gets you more information than can be derived by using Nslookup.

Researchers Challenge DOS Attack Data

Also: protecting against EFS-based attacks; banks misappropriating data from other sources.

Fill ‘Er Up!

Create filler files that can be deleted when disk space seems low.

Virtual Floppy Freedom

Here's a slick virtual floppy drive that can be used for both local and virtual storage.

Connect to Your Data

Another ADO trick that allows you to connect to your data via scripting.

At Your Service

A quick tip on one of the more popular PowerShell cmdlets.

Conspiracy Theory -- Virtual Vista

Here are some of the common pitfalls with installing and running Vista and Longhorn inside of VMware VMs.

Strange Research Rising Out of Ashes on Stolen Logins

Also: E-mail bomber sentenced to scene of the crime; how SMIshing works.

Running Multiple Versions of .NET

It can be done on a Windows 2003 server, as long as you remember which version is which.

Wire Me Up

Windows Connect Now and wireless don't mix that well.

The Scripting Pipeline

Save the script writing for when it's needed -- PowerShell allows stringing together of cmdlets to perform useful work.

ADSI Resources

Better ADSI documentation is coming. For now, Microsoft's version will have to do.

Vista and Blue Pill: Debunking the Myth

Blue Pill is easier to swallow now that the trick has been more closely scrutinized. Plus, a look at what's on your hard drives that you thought you erased.

Brain Drain

A simple fix from a KB article can keep your disconnected Windows XP SP2 laptop running longer.

Registry Rejection

Troubleshooting Registry write errors during software installation -- a tale of rejection and acceptance.

Searching Active Directory Objects

Create a customizable ADO search box.

Code May Sour BlackBerry Users

Also: software keeps cars garaged and why we shouldn't stop superbugs from breeding.

Moving Program Files

Bad things will just happen if you decide to move the Program Files folder through some brute force method. Don't do it, and here's why.

Capture the Script

Here’s how Ethereal can be used to capture the contents of a batch start-up script.

Scripting Software Deployments

Why scripting makes for a poor software deployment tool.

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