
The New and Improved Adprep

Rest easy when migrating from Win2K to Win2003 with an upgraded Adprep.exe.

Don't Give Me Any Static

How to automate the process of modifying a slew of statically mapped WINS servers.

Computer Associates: Asleep at the Switch?

Vulnerabilities in CA's backup solutions provoke questions about quality control.

Who's with Whom

Check group membership with this nifty ADSI trick.

Lock Down Your Server

Back in your ports, you services!

Cute Little Monsters, Aren’t They?

Apple releases a product that makes this pundit wander over to the dark side.

What You See Is Not What You Get

Admin is seeing strange things, not the contents of his removable drives. Plus, some reader feedback.

Instant Mess(enger)

Even chatting online can expose you and your network to viruses and the like.

Digital Certificates for Everyone

Even a simple PKI can be useful and secure.

Quicker Queries

Add database queries to your scripts.

Russ' IE 7.0 Wish List

Details about the next version of Internet Explorer are sketchy, but at least we can hope for the best.

The Name Resolution Game

In this Exchange 5.5-to-2003 migration, the admin is hung out to dry during setup. So, what gives?

Migrating to Greener Pastures

Move user files and settings easier with Microsoft's USMT tool.

Hurry Up and Wait

Getting Exchange to restart can be a long waiting game for one admin.

I, Robots.txt

A robot may not allow a well-behaved Web crawler or spider to expose confidential information.

Talkin' 'Bout My 64-Bit Generation

Get ready for another paradigm shift, thanks to Intel, AMD and Microsoft.

Coming Soon

Vaporware or real deal? Channel Nostradamus with the Microsoft Product Predictor

There's No Place Like Home

Admin wants main office to maintain role as primary Exchange server. Is he missing something in the migration?

Is 'Genuine Windows Validation' a Good Thing?

Microsoft's latest attempt to curb piracy restricts security patches to only owners of genuine copies of Windows.

Get SUS Out of Your WAN Pipe

Streamline your Software Update Services with a second server.

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