
Principle of Least Authority

Running multiple instances of Run As flies in the face of convention, but it can be done.

Slow Win2K Performance After the Crash

Performance dies on this unnamed admin's Dell server, so Bill helps him trace the problem to driver chaos.

But I Don't WANT to Upgrade!

You don't have to upgrade to take advantage of some of Windows 2003 tools.

Helping Those Who Help Themselves

Mysterious Exchange migration stopped; issuing a complex password challenge to users that they might actually like.

Bad, Bad, BadMail

How to handle the growing problem that is the BadMail folder.

SUS Without the Space

Control software updates, even for remote workers.

Teach Your Apps to Trust

A service-oriented architecture (SOA) is the basis for creating applications that trust each other to perform their tasks.

Trend: Companies Bundling Products

Companies like Desaware are enticing consumers by bundling their best sellers for a fraction of the cost of the products combined. And they're giving away the source code to boot.

Build Data-Driven Client Validation

Here's a design for creating data-driven validation rules for distributed apps. It lets you distribute the rules from to clients without modifying client-side application code.

Old NT Guys

Where do we go from here?

Output Your Trace Info

Output your trace information to new targets, including SQL Server and XML—and do it without parsing.

Directing Traffic

This script can be altered to read/write any kind of Registry entry.

The Pinocchio Factor

How Microsoft is like the fairy tale.

XP SP2--Dedicated To Security

Microsoft’s next Service Pack for Windows XP is almost totally about improved security. And it shows.

Use “Run as” To Secure Administration Tasks

This tool allows you to do various things using different rights/credentials.

Dfs vs. FRS

Admin wants to maintain snappy performance with user profiles and home folders with a Windows 2003 network upgrade.

Hobbyists Speak for Themselves

Kathleen Dollard's recent Guest Opinion inspires reaction. Some hobbyists want Microsoft to continue support for VB6, while full-timers advise amateurs to step up to the .NET plate.

Contacts En Masse

Find out how to import Contacts and User Objects into Active Directory, as well as modify batched objects.

VS.NET Needs a Novice Version

VS.NET is a flexible and powerful programming tool, but a special novice version would expand its audience (and Microsoft's) not only with hobbyists, but in the enterprise as well.

Boot-Time Security

Boot-up is a dangerous time for your systems, a time before security policies to protect them may be active. Avoid danger with persistent policies.

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