
Remote Shutdown

This script allows logoff and shut down of remote users.

Edit Your SQL Data

Check out the latest Visual Studio third-party add-ons, including one that helps you edit your database's data and properties during a debug session.

Bind Data to WinForms Controls

Display data programmatically with only a few lines of code, using the databinding features built into the .NET Framework's WinForms controls.

Reality Bites

How does outsourcing--or how will it--affect you?

Making the Connection

Using the Active Directory Connector is an effective way to move your legacy Exchange environment to a new Exchange 2003 setup.

Event Log Dissection

You can use a script to compile log info into a file for closer examination.

Disaster Recovery, or Just Disaster?

Simple IIS backup techniques

Managing User Profiles Your Way

Better methods for managing user profiles en masse. Plus, an SBS problem.

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3...

Disaster recovery plans should be part of any testing plan.

Managing User Profiles

A slap-dash solution for transferring profiles in toto. Anyone with a more elegant method?

Educational Opportunities

Security training, free for the asking.

Double-Secret Forest Functional Level

New! Windows admin tips, tricks, and secrets. First up: migration via the "interim" forest functional level.

In Through the Back Door

A routine audit of Active Directory permissions can expose this example back-ended breach.

RSA Musings

Something old, something new, something quite innovative at this year's security show.

Window of Opportunity

Now is the time for those projects we've all been putting off.

Use DataSets as Business Objects

Enhance the DataSet class with inheritance and extend its associated XML schema to hook validation checks and custom validation routines into DataSets declaratively.

Secure Your Directory-Enabled Apps

Find out how Active Directory Application Mode and Windows Authorization Manager can simplify security, personalization, and configuration for your directory-enabled applications.

Accelerate the Delivery of .NET Apps

Check out a number of .NET add-ins, including one that helps accelerate the deliver of .NET Framework solutions.

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