
Separation, No Anxiety

Separation of duties is a good idea in the business world. It’s also a good one in the IT world.

Taking This Discussion Offline

Clearing the air on Windows Server 2003 offline file servers and offline file clients.

Little-Known Wireless Facts

What you need to know to set up your network.

Sighs Heave for "Last Gasp"

Readers react to Alan Cooper's Software Architect column, "The Last Gasp, " even asserting that Alan "must be living on another planet."

If Cars Were Like Windows…

New frontiers for certification

Rally 'Round the Tri-Mode Flag

Here's a minor Windows annoyance that Microsoft should send back to development.

Product Listings

Take a look at these various add-ins to your Visual Studio .NET environment.

The OU Went That-A-Way

Windows Server 2003's account redirection features are nifty, but remembering that you used them can produce some mysterious problems.

RISky Business

Remote Installation Services allows for easy creation of computer names containing MAC addresses.

Lost in a Sea of Attributes

Forget who has access to which services? Find your way back with the LDAP Browser.

Reader Feedback: December 2003

Plenty to say about board certs; small tales enjoyed

Minding the E-Mail

Legal issues aside, here's one way to audit Exchange 5.5 user mailbox usage on the down-low.

Unifying the Storm

Could WinFS be the salvation?

No More Prying Eyes

Encoding scripts to prevent unauthorized access.

Giving Them the (Small) Business

Microsoft's Small Business Server 2003 is a big leap forward for security.

He Shoots, He Scores

How we're being tested—now and in the future.

Be the Exchange Server

By trying to think like an Exchange Server, you can learn the ins and outs of the SMTP protocol.

New & Improved

These features require a little work, but are worth it.

Weighty Decision in an Exchange/Windows Upgrade

Upgrading from Windows NT 4.0/Exchange 5.5 to Windows Server 2003/Exchange 2003? Simplify your decisionmaking and choose the ADC method.

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