IT Administration

Yanking Data from an Active Server Page

Tap this automated method for using a script to drop “unsubscribe” customers from your email lists.

Secret SQL 7.0

DBAs will find this a handy, useful guide to SQL 7.0's hidden gems.

Take Back Your Time

Three new Resource Kit tools can reduce repetitive typing and perform scheduled file copying for you at night.

Imagination Engineer

The NT Resource Kit Supplement 4 is packed with cool new tools, including this little gem that lets you do anything from network diagramming to full-blown computer-aided design.

Save Admin Time with Scripting

If you had a wish list for the WSH, it might look like XLNT 2.0.

Supercharge Your Scripts

Adding third-party components to your scripting efforts will get the job done faster and easier.

Lower the Bridge! Make Remote Access Secure

Remote access requires a higher level of protection. Armed with this task list, you can retain security through NT Terminal Server and the ICA client.

Systems Engineering: Pushing Software with SMS Installer

Get more work done. Use SMS Installer for mundane admin tasks like software installation. Your challenge: getting comfortable with scripting.

Dumpster Diving

Great things come in small packages. Take this free NT data dump utility as an example.

Capturing the Essence of Network Communications

Microsoft’s Network Monitor packs enough punch to satisfy most network administrators and designers. Use it to capture, filter, and analyze your network traffic.

10 Steps to Prepare for Windows 2000

Before the Windows 2000 stampede leaves you in the dust, spend some time figuring out what you can do today to prepare for the trail.

Curing an Exchange Hiccup

Sometimes you can trace the solution to your problem by looking at the concepts behind the technology.

Making Sense of NT Events

Windows NT includes a native facility for the central storage and retrieval of event reporting information. This article explains how this tool works and where the information in it comes from.

Safe Messaging with Exchange

You know in the back of your mind that not every message you send or receive is absolutely safe. Isn’t it time you figured out how to protect your enterprise e-mail system?

Get Ready for SQL Server 7.0

Prove your credentials with the new MCDBA premium title.

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