IT Administration

Retrieving Status Through PowerShell's Graphical Windows Form

Prof. PowerShell is back with another alternative for displaying status messages in PowerShell.

Pop Quiz: Logging Into Windows 7

Applies to the "Installing and upgrading client systems" objective of Exam 98-349.

Belly Up to the Title Bar

Jeffery Hicks walks you through creating status messages through the PowerShell console.

PowerShell Syntax Elements Part 3: Braces

Here's how to properly use braces to define a scriptblock.

Pop Quiz: Installing Windows 7: SCCM

Applies to the "Installing and upgrading client systems" objective of Exam 98-349.

Microsoft Releases Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager Service

Microsoft's Windows Azure disaster recovery service is generally available for use in production environments, according to an announcement made this week.

PowerShell Syntax Part 2: Square Brackets

In the second part of this three-part series, the Prof. PowerShell breaks down how brackets should and shouldn't be used.

Microsoft Working Overtime To Fix Windows XP Resource Hog Issue

Microsoft said it will be working through the holiday period to fix a Windows XP resource-hog problem that has affected some users for years.

My Favorite PowerShell 4 Features (Part 2)

Prof. PowerShell is back again to share another batch of his favorite tweaks in the latest version of Powershell.

Pop Quiz: Supporting BranchCache in Windows 8

Applies to the "Maintain resource access" objective of Exam 70-689.

Pop Quiz: Deploying the Windows Performance Toolkit

Applies to the "Design an installation and application strategy" objective of Exam 70-689.

My Favorite PowerShell 4 Features (Part 1)

Jeffrey Hicks runs down a few of his top reasons why you should be running the latest version of PowerShell.

Microsoft Releases Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2010 Updates

Updates to Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2010 Service Pack 3 were released by Microsoft at the end of November.

Windows Azure Active Directory Group Management 'Preview' Capabilities Released

Microsoft this week has released a "preview" of two group management capabilities in Windows Azure Active Directory (WAAD).

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