IT Administration

Certificate Certainty

A map of your computer's certificate store can be navigated by way of PowerShell.

PowerShell 3.0 Released for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008

Microsoft on Tuesday released PowerShell 3.0 for use with its current flagship Windows client and server operating systems.

Regular Expressions, Part 3

A last look at expressions, this time by trying to match on opposites.

Security Advisory Issued for VPN Password Flaw; No Fix Yet

Microsoft is warning users of two tools readily available that can be used to steal passwords from wireless networks and VPNs, offers workarounds.

Regular Expressions, Part 2

A few more tricks for working with regular expressions.

Regular Expressions, The Basics

Part one of three on the basics of working with regular expressions.

Match Play: PowerShell's Match Operator

Last time, we used the like operator to find wildcard type matches. Now, let's find exactly what we're searching for with -Match.

Microsoft Makes Free Script Repository Available Online

Microsoft unveiled a Web portal with free scripts for IT professionals using Microsoft server products.

What's Not To Like? PowerShell's -Like Operator

The -Like operator (and its counterpart, -Notlike) can help you find exactly the information you seek.

SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 Takes Care of Issues

Minor fixes included in this second service pack for SQL Server 2008 R2.

XML Marks the Spot

Use the Export-Clixml cmdlet when capturing XML data that you'll want to use later in a PowerShell session.

ISE Clearly Now: PowerShell 3.0's New-Look ISE

Highlighting the best of of PowerShell 3.0's Integrated Scripting Environment.

Windows Azure Active Directory Developer Preview Announced

Microsoft on Thursday announced additional progress in its latest preview release of Windows Azure Active Directory.

Managing Scheduled Tasks, Part 3

Let's take one more look at the fun involved in managing tasks on an enterprise level.

Managing Scheduled Tasks, Part 2: Create A New Task

Last time, we looked at how ScheduledTasks works. This time, let's create a new scheduled task using -- wait for it -- New-ScheduledTask.

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