IT Administration

Investigating File Signatures Using PowerShell

Looking at the signature of a file quickly lets you know whether that file is really what it claims to be. Here's how to tap PowerShell to figure out the file signature.

App Issues Cause Microsoft To Retract .NET Patches

.NET Framework updates that Microsoft released as part of its most recent "update Tuesday" rollup on July 10 are giving some organizations headaches, the company acknowledged recently.

How To Transfer Files via SCP with PowerShell

Native support for Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) isn't in PowerShell, but that doesn't mean it's not capable.

Checking for a Locked File Using PowerShell

We've all been there: We start to work on a file that we think is available, only to find out that it's already opened and in use, meaning we have to wait until whatever process currently using the file has released its lock on it.

Microsoft Stumps for Multifactor Security for Azure AD

Microsoft is aiming to make multifactor authentication (MFA) the default verification option for its Azure Active Directory (AD) identity management service.

Azure AD Gets Two New Password Protection Tools in Preview

Organizations using Microsoft's Azure Active Directory or Windows Server Active Directory service can now test drive two new two password security capabilities.

Microsoft To Abandon Forum Questions About Older Products

Starting next month, Microsoft will no longer participate in Microsoft Community forum discussions about older Office and Windows products.

How To Format PowerShell Output with Format-Table

You may not think too often about how text is displayed in your PowerShell console, but under the covers, there's quite a bit going on.

Windows AutoPilot Gets Delete, Reset and Deployment Options

Windows AutoPilot, Microsoft's out-of-the-box user self-provisioning service for setting up new Windows 10 PCs, is getting several new features in preview.

Use PowerShell To Work with a Network Adapter

If PowerShell isn't already your go-to tool for reviewing your NIC configuration, it should be.

Microsoft Lets Orgs Access Linux VMs via Azure AD

Organizations can now use their Azure Active Directory credentials to log into a Linux-based VM running on Microsoft's Azure public cloud service.

Windows 10 Gives IT Pros New 'Modern Management' Tools

In a recent Web presentation, Microsoft officials detailed the new "modern management" capabilities in Windows 10 version 1803, also known as the April 2018 Update.

Getting Started with Word Using PowerShell

Here's how to automate building a document in Microsoft Word. Clippy not required.

PingFederate Preview, Other Improvements Coming to Azure AD

A number of improvements are coming to Microsoft Azure Active Directory this month, including one related to Microsoft's partnership with Ping Identity.

The Evolution of a PowerShell Function Parameter

Making code adaptable is a key skill for any coder. Here's a primer on how to stretch function parameters to fit a variety of situations.

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