
Embracing Windows Server 2003: Moving 30 Remote Sites Running Windows NT

Part Two of this four-part series profiles an organization with 30 television stations across the country and 2,000-plus employees.

MOM 2004 Beta 2 Released

Microsoft on Tuesday released an open beta of Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2004, the company's second-generation application management tool which is scheduled for release next summer.

BizTalk Server 2004 Pricing Unveiled

Microsoft on Wednesday disclosed plans to hold pricing relatively steady for the next release of its integration-focused BizTalk Server 2004, which is scheduled to ship early next year.

Windows 2000 Phase-out to Begin in April

Microsoft laid out a roadmap on Wednesday for retiring Windows 2000 Server editions over the next few years. The process starts in April for Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

Windows XP SP2 to Come Late in First Half 2004

The earliest that Windows XP Service Pack 2 will ship is at the end of the first half of 2004, according to Mike Nash, corporate vice president for Microsoft's security business unit.

Embracing Windows Server 2003: Tales from Early Adopters, Part 1

Moving to a major new operating system is always daunting, but for these four companies, the switch to Microsoft’s latest OS was well worth it. In part 1 of a four-part series, here's why one small ISP moved for the speed improvements as well as server consolidation.

Exam for SBS 2003 Goes Live

Exam 70-282, aimed at Small Business Server implementers, now available.

EMC to Acquire VMWare

Storage giant EMC Corp. will buy virtualization software vendor VMWare Inc. in a $635 million deal expected to close in the first quarter of 2004, the companies said Monday. The deal widens EMC's software portfolio and shields VMWare from a head-to-head battle with Microsoft, which acquired VMWare competitor Connectix earlier this year.

Designing Security Exam Now Available

MCSE: Security specialization exam 70-298 to be released December 15.

Goody Bag for Licensing 6.0 Gets Bigger

The one constant in Microsoft's Licensing 6.0 and Software Assurance programs has been change. Generally, that change has come in the form of added goodies for the program as the company realized it was alienating customers with too many restrictions for too little value and arming critics with a hot button issue.

Microsoft CRM Gets Refresh

Microsoft this week released an interim version of the Microsoft Customer Relationship Management product that it initially released in January and also unveiled the globalization of the product.

Microsoft: No Security Patches in December

Microsoft found no security problems serious enough to fix in December. Microsoft's new patch policy calls for all patches to be released on the second Tuesday of the month. The company announced Tuesday that it was letting the regular patching date pass without any new security bulletins and patches.

Intel Introduces Try-and-Buy Program for Itanium 2

Aim is to encourage the largest corporations to consider Itanium 2-based systems rather than RISC-based platforms.

Opinion: Troubled Times for E-mail

A quick glance at MessageLabs' end of year statistics on virus activity and an impression that's been growing since the summer gets sharper.

The Value of the New Desktop Cert

MCDST: Another valuable way to validate your skills for a job, or more meaningless certification alphabet soup from Microsoft?

Long Road to Longhorn

Why is Microsoft talking up a desktop OS that's two years away from delivery? In some ways, it's by design.

Get Ready for Exabytes

A quarterly report on the state of the worldwide disk storage systems market shows we're about to cross another psychological threshold.

Intel Upgrades Financial Outlook

In a mid-quarter update, Intel Corp. said revenues are stronger than management had originally expected for the fourth quarter.

Intel Says Itanium Hitting Stride

After years of spinning its wheels, 64-bit Intel Architecture technology appears to be finally gaining some traction, according to Intel officials.

What Kind of BI Powerhouse Is Microsoft?

Slowly but surely Microsoft is putting together a robust BI platform that will serve many companies exceedingly well.

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