
Compaq, Andersen Consulting Target .NET

Microsoft Case Heads Back to Lower Court

High court refuses to decide on case, opting instead to send it to appellate courts first.

HP to Resell Unisys CMP Server

Hewlett-Packard will resell Unisys' 32-processor Cellular Multiprocessing (CMP) server designed for Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.

Microsoft's .NET Enterprise Server Line In Detail

As <i>ENT Magazine</i>'s Scott Bekker reports, Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer officially introduced its .NET Enterprise Server line of software during a launch party being satellite broadcast from San

Companies React to Enterprise 2000 Launch

Leading companies throughout the computer industry are making announcements about initiatives in conjunction with the Enterprise 2000 server launch event held by Microsoft Corp. on Tuesday, Sept. 26, in San Francisco. Click on the links below for the latest news, and be sure the check back regularly for updates:<UL> <LI><A HREF="">Hitachi, McDATA launch high-end platform</A> <LI><A HREF="">Commerce One aims B2B solutions for .NET</A> <LI><A HREF="">CE 3.0 Add-On Pack Permits XML Parsing</A> <LI><A HREF="">Compaq Announces BizTalk Server Initiative</A> <LI><A HREF="">Dell, Microsoft Release Supplier Advantage</A> <LI><A HREF="">Compaq, Andersen Consulting Target .NET</A> </UL>

Compaq Announces BizTalk Server Initiative

BizTalk Server 2000 Leverages XML, SOAP

Microsoft Offers Web Caching with ISA 2000

CE 3.0 Add-On Pack Permits XML Parsing

Hitachi, McDATA Launch High-end Platform

Supreme Court Refuses Microsoft Case

Microsoft won a key round today in the legal battle that threatens to divide its assets when the U.S. Supreme Court granted a motion to return the antitrust case to the federal appeals court level.

Super Tuesday: Microsoft Launches 8 Enterprise Servers

Microsoft held its Enterprise 2000 launch event Tuesday in San Francisco to introduce its .NET Enterprise Servers product line. <p><ul> <li><a href="">Windows 2000 Datacenter Server</a> <li><a href="">SQL Server 2000</a> <li><a href="">Exchange Server 2000</a> <li><a href="">Application Center 2000</a> <li><a href="">Host Integration Server 2000</a> <li><a href="">Commerce Server 2000</a> <li><a href="">BizTalk Server 2000</a> <li><a href="">Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000</a> </ul></p>

Merging of the Metadata Standards

In a move that occurred more quickly than many analysts thought, the Meta Data Coalition (MDC) and the Object Management Group (OMG) together announced that the MDC will merge into the OMG.

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