Security Watch

Admins Busy on All Bug-Squashing Fronts in April

Squishing bugs: It's what admins do, especially on Windows and Oracle systems. And Let's not forget Apple and Adobe. Plus: Elevation of privilege problems on Windows 7? A Stuxnet conspiracy theory.

SQL Injection Hits Older SQL Server Versions, For Now

Plus: A Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle progress report; Symantec sums up 2010 in Internet security.

End of Support for XP, IE 6 May Pose Major Security Risks

Plus: Adobe fixes Reader, Flash; Australia works toward better online safety.

IE 8 Gets Pwned in IT Security Contest

But Microsoft's answer, it says, is to upgrade to a more secure IE 9. Plus: Adobe confirms Flash bug; Japan quake shakes loose with tasteless hoaxes.

Internet Explorer In the Thick of IT Security

IE 8 has a target on its back this week. Plus: ISACA to audit social media apps; Microsoft Support isn't calling you personally (a free security tip).

Are We Stepping Closer to an Internet Kill Switch?

Unrest in Libya reminds us once again about the Internet Kill Switch. Plus: Microsoft outlines plan to apply public health policies to IT security.

Run, Virus, Run

Autorun disabled on USB and connected devices via update. Plus: IE9 keeps eyes on strangers; Symantec looks at security in Q4.

Hackers Know It's All In the Timing

Patch Tuesday reminds us once again that hackers will always be a step ahead. Plus: Outlook issue to be fixed out of band; Intel's intentions with McAfee buy seem questionable.

Messing With Web Components

Hackers go after your browsing sessions. Plus: Conficker worm is gone, but not forgotten; unrest in Egypt worries Microsoft, Cisco.

Browsers, Browsers, Browsers!

IE still vulnerable, but hackers are heat-seeking on other browser targets. Plus: Browser makers making "no tracking" a feature priority; Wordpress plug-in threatened by SQL injection attack.

Microsoft Security Goes on Offensive

Company adds new tools to SDL for developers. Plus: Windows Live Messenger update is mandatory; researchers says third-party vulnerabilities, attacks to outpace Windows attacks.

A 'Hurry Up and Wait' Security Strategy

Security experts have yet to get the edge on hackers. Plus: Unpatched IE bugs likely to be fixed post-Patch Tuesday; smartphones all the rage -- with hackers.

Security Flaws: Old News in a New Year

It's like 2010 all over again with security. Plus: Microsoft admonishes Google for its security policies; fake updates in your inbox.

Microsoft's Holiday Present Includes 17 Patches

Plus: Hackers compromise Gawker media sites; Google and Redmond ad malware investigated; Symantec takes a look at the problems you'll be facing in 2011.

Thankful for a Light November Patch Load

Plus: IE 8 still safer than IE 6, 7; Zeus 2.0 escaping MSRT detection.

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