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Call for Reviewers: Software, Certification Titles, Exams

Want some recognition from your IT peers, plus a little scratch for your empty pockets? Step right up and write for MCPmag.com. Yep, we're looking for people who are savvy with software and have a knack for telling the good from the bad -- and expressing themselves in the process.

As an MCPmag.com reviewer, you also get the chance to try out new software that you might have to deploy some day. It's a good way to get your foot in the door and maybe some deeper access with vendors. (For self-study resource reviewers, you often never have to return books or DVD training materials.)

So, peer recognition and fame outside your cubicle walls awaits. Write me for details.

Posted by Michael Domingo on 03/05/2009 at 11:59 AM

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