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Tales from the Recession-Addled IT Trenches

We keep hearing about how tough this recession is, and surveys that we've written about in the News section tell us that we're in some pretty bad straits, as spending is down and jobs continue to be scarce.

I'm not one to look at this time in a positive light. And that's why I often turn to colleagues to help me get out of my career doldrums (besides being an editor, I shoot weddings, and talk about two businesses that have been hit hard by the economy....). In much the same way, what do you folks in the IT trenches do to keep yuour spirits up?

What I'm asking for is your stories about how you as an IT professional have dealt with this recession in a positive way. Maybe you've been one of those who've been pink slipped, so what did you do to get a new job and to keep yourself smiling as you were searching? Or maybe you're among the hundreds who've been saddled with a budget that's been halved. What strategy did you employ to stretch out those dollars and keep your company happy? I'm looking for all stories, no matter how small. IT tips to beat the recession or the blues also appreciated.

The good stuff will be published on MCPmag.com in an upcoming feature, and your contribution, if published, will earn you a nice Redmond Media Group T-Shirt. Now, that'll put a smile on your face!

Posted by Michael Domingo on 03/03/2010 at 11:59 AM

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