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5 New Microsoft Certified Masters

The Microsoft Certified Master program seems to the average MCP to be a program for the elite, but reading along in the blog (which I haven't done in quite a while until I was alerted to some news there by one of our editors), there's a flurry of activity in the MCM community.

Just last month, Microsoft minted five new MCMs specializing in Exchange 2010. Only one of them works for Microsoft. The title is new enough, that it's not even listed on the MCM info page yet.

The MCM title can be a hard one to crack, as it's one that takes lots of dedication in time, working with mentors, and knowing the technology like you wrote it. As if you're not busy enough, right? Oh, yes, and the backing of your company, unless you want to pay the fees, which can be pretty expensive.

More info on the new MCM: Exchange 2010 folks here. More about obtaining the MCM here.

Posted by Michael Domingo on 04/08/2010 at 11:59 AM

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