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Microsoft, Google Scuffle Starts Small

Microsoft is picking a fight with Google in a way that might seem rather piddling. A story from Redmond newser Kurt Mackie reports that the Redmond giant has lined up testimonials from some Google Apps customers, all of whom are going back to using Microsoft Office.

Microsoft seems to be fighting fair, though, as those testimonials were offered up in light of Google's fairly recent dig at MS when Google announced support for its Apps Reseller Program, in which a partner called out Microsoft for a "lack of innovation" in its Office offerings of late. Even so, Microsoft Office marketshare is just gargantuan compared to Google's Apps piece of the pie, but Google has a way of taking some of its technology on an exponential growth spurt.

Should Microsoft be worried? Have you tried Google's Apps? What makes Google Apps compelling, or what does it need to do in order to contend with Microsoft? Your thoughts here.

Posted by Michael Domingo on 05/25/2010 at 11:59 AM

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