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It's Splitsville for OpenOffice, Oracle

In this day and age, it's all about free apps. But free also sometimes means living in limbo. Take my personal Yahoo! e-mail account -- had it for years, but will it stick around? It's one I consider mission-critical. Another one that's mission-critical for me as an editor is OpenOffice. Yes, I refuse to pay for an office suite, blah blah ... you heard this all before. Oracle's got it now, but it looks like OpenOffice.org is going to handle things going forward. Let's hope it's a smooth transition.

If you're an OpenOffice user, have you been concerned with the future of the free suite, and, for that matter, free software in general? And, frankly, do we have a right to complain? (It's free, so we get what we paid for -- yes?).

Posted by Michael Domingo on 09/30/2010 at 11:59 AM

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