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Your Requested Evaluation Software:
Condusiv I/O Reduction Software

Thank you for your interest in Condusiv Technologies Corporation software. You'll find this download simple and quick to install.

4 Important Tips:

  1. If evaluating the software in a virtual environment, be sure to install the software on ALL the VMs on the same host. The product can be evaluated on a single virtual server, but the performance benefit will be limited unless testing on all the VMs on the same host. If deploying across many servers, contact us at [email protected] to download the centralized management console to push the software to as many VMs as needed.
  2. If using on a MS-SQL server, cap SQL memory usage at 70% of physical memory first (if memory constrained, limit SQL memory usage to what is currently used then add additional memory).
  3. Optimal performance is achieved on systems with at least 4GB of available memory (1.5GB must be unused before any caching begins).
  4. Monitor the dashboard daily to watch the "time saved" benefits grow.

Download Links:

For Virtual Servers:
V-locity® 30-day trialware

For Physical Servers:
Diskeeper® Server 30-day trialware

Whiteboard Video Overview -> watch now
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